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Results 2701-2720 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

HealthMap Crawls the Web to Track Disease Outbreaks

"This kind of thing could be particularly important in identifying a new disease that's quickly reaching global proportions," added Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with Enderle Group. "The disease could be small in many places, and once it gets big, it could be too late to stop it."


It’s OK to Say No to the New iPhone

There are many things to admire about Apple, but like every company it has a dark side. One of the things I personally find more than annoying is the Apple fan base that will attack you if you honestly don't want to buy an Apple product and talk about your choice. But the thing to be concerned about, because Apple is a company that others now emulate, is its increasing habit of tricking you into paying more than you thought you paid for its products.


Post-Gates: How Apple and OSS Are Making For a Better Microsoft

A lot of us are focused on Microsoft and Bill Gates this month as Bill's last day at the company he founded and ran to dominance passed last Friday. I've met Bill several times but only really once spoken to him. From a personal aspect, he has mostly been cordial, and he once personally came to my rescue back when my career as an independent analyst first started, something I'll never forget. Something else I'll never forget was the Windows 95 launch, which in my mind and evidently his, was the high point for Microsoft.

Google Sidesteps Rumors of Android Delay

"This is [Google's] first big platform rollout," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider. "Very few people hit their dates the first time out of the gates." Google is known for taking its time on software development, evidenced by projects like G...


Learning From Contrasts

Last week I was in Japan doing a deep dive on Panasonic, a firm I've observed for decades but never really got to know until recently. I've studied Apple in depth since the '80s and I find the contrasts between the firms and their key founders Konosuke Matsushita -- for whom Panasonic was originally named -- and Steve Jobs fascinating ...

I started off the week with dueling events: the Apple WWDC, where they talked about Snow Leopard and the second generation iPhone, HP's massive product announcement, and Microsoft's TechEd, where I learned more about Unlimited Vista (Windows 7) ...

Microsoft Talks Sputter and Die, Yahoo Hitches Ride With Google

"Microsoft is going to apply a substantial amount of pressure to ensure Google is treated the same way they were," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "Google is effectively blocking Microsoft, and at Google's scale, this could be seen as restraint of trade. This could flip the switch and have regulators start treating Google like a monopoly."


Computex: All Things Non-iPhone

Last week was Computex but today everyone is focused on the likely launch of the iPhone. Given that some of the announcements at the show will have an impact on the future of devices like this, and that some of you will likely want to read something while standing in line, let's look at Computex vs. the iPhone, and as the details of the new iPhone become public you can compare the technology that was announced at Computex to what Apple is announcing with the iPhone...

AMD Pounces on Laptops With New Puma Platform

However, the chief accomplishment with the Puma is its battery life, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "[It is the] first truly mobile part from AMD. Up until now, AMD couldn't compete on battery life, and Puma is much more competitive on spec," ...


Perception vs. Reality: Vista vs. Leopard With a White House Spin

Before we get started, if you ever wanted to know more about me -- and really, who doesn't? -- there is a cute "10 Things You Didn't Know About Rob Enderle" piece out there. Vista: What Happened?...

Turnaround Momentum Propels Dell Past Profit Estimates

Of all the changes, simply having Dell himself back on board may have done the most to revive the lagging company, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "The return of a competent founder is probably the biggest thing working for Dell," Enderle ...


What Do EMC and Apple Have in Common? Quality

OK, this may seem like a huge stretch because I doubt there are any tech companies more different than EMC and Apple. However, I just spent several days at EMC World and I actually found one similarity: Both companies are focused like lasers on customer loyalty ...

Microsoft Turns Search on Its Ear With Cash Rebates

One of the best elements of the approach may be that it does not seek to follow or imitate something already being done by the market leader, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "This is an improvement in Microsoft's strategy because it does n...


Avoiding Death by Merger

I used to run a post-merger clean-up team for IBM years ago, and have since spent a great deal of time thinking about and dealing with major mergers that clients have undertaken. In a market like this, consolidation and acquisition are inevitable, and knowing how to play in what will likely be the kind of massive change that occurs after a merger can be a critical personal survival skill.


Why Microhoo Couldn’t Work and How Google Helped It Fail

I'm often fascinated by mergers, or I should say I'm fascinated by how often they are attempted and how rarely they succeed ...

Blockbuster Takes a Gander at Circuit City Books

A Blockbuster buyout of Circuit City could be fraught with problems, Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times "If you're going to do an acquisition, it's better to go after a [weak] company that you can fix," he said. "But, in this case,...

Sun’s JavaFX: Smart Move or Too Much Caffeine?

Java users are loyal, but "the problem with Adobe and Microsoft is that they are both very well funded," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, agreed. "These are strategic platforms for them." Sun's technology, on the other hand, is "late to the...


A Tale of Two Steves

I'm writing this from the Microsoft Management Summit at Interop with 5,000 of my closest friends in Las Vegas, and I'm still thinking about the book I brought up recently, titled Inside Steve's Brain. The result is, I think I've had an epiphany (and no, I didn't call a doctor) ...

Microsoft Board Gives Ballmer More Bite

With the board's authorization in hand, how Ballmer proceeds "really depends on how badly he wants this," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "A proxy fight can be, as it was in HP's case, a very political and public kind of battle, which can ...

United Online Plucks FTD in Odd Coupling

FTD adds a heavy-hitting piece to United Online's portfolio, commented Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group "FTD is a powerful company," Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "If you think about folks that might want to send flowers, that might be one of the area...

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