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Results 2761-2780 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

HD DVD vs. Blu-ray: Will the War End With Two Losers?

"I think the consumers are sitting back and waiting for something less risky that won't make the consumers look stupid in front of friends and family," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Plus, existing up-converting DVD players that boost standard DVDs into near-HD quality are good enough for most consumers, Enderle noted, especially when those consumers already have large libraries of standard DVDs...

Microsoft Has a Broken Home

"File corruption on a server simply shouldn't happen," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They haven't determined why yet, and given the Windows Home Server is a spin on an existing enterprise class server platform, it probably has to do with a unique situation that exists in the home...


Apple in 2008, Getting Ready for CES, Product of the Year

Tomorrow we start the New Year, and for those of you who aren't still in line to buy a Nintendo Wii, it is looking to be a good one ...

Google Kerfuffle Leaves Bloggers’ Feathers Ruffled

Google has run into a briar's patch of thorny problems similar to those confronted by many large companies over the years, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at The Enderle Group "Google is still, for all its size, a very young company and will likely make some impressive mis...


Death by Prank, Why Disney Is Safest Online, How Apple Plans to Kill CES, Product of the Week

It's Christmas Eve, and you're probably thinking more about what you are going to open tomorrow than anything else, so I was tempted to keep this light ...

Red Hat Plays a Hunch With Former Airline Exec

"Typically, when companies make a move like this -- bringing in someone from a large company that's also a potential large customer -- they will try to make a large play for large accounts and use the stature of the new CEO as way to do that," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider...

China Gets Tough on Piracy, Nails Yahoo

While the music labels and artists are happy about the China ruling, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle found the case laughable, asserting that China should focus its energy on the factories that continue to flood the world market with pirated CDs, DVDs and other items...

Microsoft Cagey on Details as It Sets IE 8 Time Frame

"This is a big push towards standards compliance," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at The Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "IE is the product that defines how Web sites are built, so its move to standards should be, and initially has been, very well received." Passing the Aci...

Microsoft, Viacom Ally in Google Ad Assault

"Microsoft is really stepping up its advertising efforts," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. Earlier in the month, the company announced a deal to provide ads to MSNBC's Web sites as well as a major initiative around mobile display advertising...

MS Security Update Creates Painful IE Problem

"This certainly creates a painful problem, since the update is going out to millions of people," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "Unfortunately, there's no easy way around it," Enderle added. "As we've found in the past, ...

One of the things you learn quickly when you work for a large company is how well executives can cover up failure. I think, to a large extent, that is what is happening with Linux ...

FTC Chief Balks at Google Recusal

Indeed, "this is a very valid complaint," asserted Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group If true, "this is a direct conflict of interest, and should have come with full disclosure -- she should have recused herself from the start," Enderle told th...

Dell Rattles Tablet Niche With New Touch Tech

"Tablet use is slowly growing," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "It was expected to grow much faster, but the technology didn't transition to regular monitors and so didn't mainstream ... older touch screens sacrificed appearance and du...

Sony’s PS3 Plan: Shrewd Strategy or Drapes on the Titanic?

However, the good times may be short-lived for Sony, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, and will not be enough to make the PS3 platform competitive with the Wii or Microsoft's Xbox 360 "Much of this was the elimination of old inventory at discounted pric...

Microsoft Enters Horse in Mobile Display Ad Stakes

"Microsoft is really stepping up their advertising efforts," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "Mobile is the next big battleground, and in 2008 you'll see folks entering this segment that you wouldn't expect. This move by Microsoft is on the tip of what will likely be a huge iceberg."

There were some interesting things going on last week and one of them I ran into by accident. First, I was amazed that Dell got into Best Buy, as this would be like Apple suddenly becoming a Windows reseller, and it falls into the "impossible" class of accomplishments ...

M&As in 2007: Redrawing the Battle Lines

Indeed, by acquiring different pieces of its economic model, Google is "basically becoming an uber-agency -- the place you go for all ad revenue," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "This puts them in a hugely powerful position in terms of controlling and capturing the money that goes toward Internet advertising. It's incredibly strategic, but it has also scared many regulators."

M&As in 2007: Redrawing the Battle Lines

Indeed, by acquiring different pieces of its economic model, Google is "basically becoming an uber-agency -- the place you go for all ad revenue," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "This puts them in a hugely powerful position in terms of controlling and capturing the money that goes toward Internet advertising. It's incredibly strategic, but it has also scared many regulators."

M&As in 2007: Redrawing the Battle Lines

Indeed, by acquiring different pieces of its economic model, Google is "basically becoming an uber-agency -- the place you go for all ad revenue," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "This puts them in a hugely powerful position in terms of controlling and capturing the money that goes toward Internet advertising. It's incredibly strategic, but it has also scared many regulators."

IBM Shines Ray of Light on Processor Technology

"One of the big problems right now is power and heat," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group. "The more power you put into something the hotter it gets. And of course the more processing you're doing on an ever-denser envelope, the hotter it's going to get. Gordon Moore talked about at some point these things were going to be hotter than the sun, if we didn't do something. This is the kind of thing we need to do to keep that from happening."

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