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Results 241-260 of 577 for Jim McGregor

‘Digital Dark Age’ Imminent Warns ‘Father of the Internet’

"The changing formats of data are frustrating for many; just ask anyone who went from albums to CDs to digital formats," added Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "Unfortunately, digital formats continue to change," McGregor told TechNewsWorld. "However, as more...

3D-Printed ‘Urban Concept’ Car Assembled by Singapore Students

In addition, "3D printing is great for prototyping but not for mass production," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "Automobiles are very complex machines." The cost factor also comes into play. 3D printing "is both too slow and too expen...

SpaceX Video Stirs Excitement for Falcon Heavy

"General Dynamics Space Systems was working on this idea in 1991," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, who worked on that project. "This was a government-sponsored program where General Dynamics was working on one project and Boeing on another." The pro...

Canada Levitates Data from File-Sharing Sites

"You can never completely identify or eliminate all potential threats, but you catch nothing if you don't try," observed Jim McGregor, a principal analyst at Tirias Research. "If you stop just one individual or group that's planning a large-scale attack, it's worth it," he t...

Chen Calls on Congress to Mandate BlackBerry Apps

"I agree that there should be some app component in Net neutrality to allow the carriers to determine the priority and quality of service for a data type or application," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research "Otherwise, some applications -- lik...

Hacking as a Service Hits the Mainstream

"Governments around the world are monitoring this," Tirias Research's Jim McGregor told the E-Commerce Times. "Who knows -- maybe one of them is even hosting the site." ...

Virtual Reality Makes Leaps and Bounds at CES 2015

"It is ready for early adopters," said Jim McGregor, principal analystat Tirias Research "While it can definitely get better, the current generation ofproducts like the Oculus Rift do provide a good user experience,"he told TechNewsWorld....

Sony’s New Walkman Aims Sky High

Impressive though its capabilities may be, it remains to be seen whether Sony can set its new offering apart in the crowded audio space, said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research. "While it may provide the ultimate audio experience, I doubt many c...

We Are the World: Samsung’s Vision for IoT

"I do agree with Samsung that the industry needs to focus on compatibility through standards," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "Unfortunately, Samsung wants everyone to use their choices and standards, and I don't see that happening," he told TechNewsWo...

Fraud-Proofing Credit Cards Through Quantum Physics

"I'm concerned that the output could change depending on environmental conditions or just over the life of the electronics," commented Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research Nothing's Impossible...

Flaws in Ancient Standard Enable Wireless Eavesdropping, Spying

"With apps that can tap into GPS, cellular and WiFi, all it takes is a simple app that can track you anywhere," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research For example, offers a tracking system that lets users monitor all calls, texts and GPS loc...

Boeing Picks BlackBerry to Brace Black’s Security

BlackBerry could be assisting Boeing in "almost everything from software development to hardware design, and even related services," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "Electronic solutions, from silicon to systems, are so complex that it's almost impossi...

Google Calls In Legal Eagles in MPAA Piracy Skirmish

The real issue at hand is the role of the search engine, said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "Should a search engine be liable for illicit activities? The answer is no. The search engine is intended to be an intelligent tool for the plethora of...

Terrorist Threats May Blow Up ‘The Interview’s’ Box Office

Sony "has to morph their business model to address their security," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld The history of attacks against Sony suggests this latest hack might have been expected. In 2011, hackers hit the company's Indonesian mus...

Skype Begins Dismantling the Language Barrier

Some detailed discussions, such as financial transactions, "may still require the use of a single language or the use of a [human] translator," observed Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "The real benefit is not to management, but to everyone else -- from engi...

Your Bitcoins Are Good at Microsoft

"They're trying to reach out to additional customers who want to use bitcoin, but I don't know if that will have that much value," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "When you're a company, you try to reach out to as many customers as you can,"...

Plundered Pirate Bay May Be Back in Business

The setup "demonstrates the challenges that governments are going to have regulating the Internet -- just like they've had with the banking and financial industries," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research Regulating a global network is difficult and "takes a ...

HP’s New EliteBooks Target Enterprise Sweet Spot

"I really like the specs on the new EliteBooks," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research "The design features a smaller display than many traditional enterprise-class solutions," he told TechNewsWorld.

Amazon Gears Up Its Well-Oiled Holiday Machine

"This is the wave of the future," said Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research "You are limiting humans to the tasks they are required for and reducing potential damage to products by reducing human handling," he told the E-Commerce Times.

Lollipop’s Encryption Takes a Hefty Toll

Security should be a primary concern for the industry, and "we have to realize that it will cause a hit in performance and likely battery life in the initial implementations," said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research A general rule to keep in mind...

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