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Results 2781-2800 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

iPhone Gets Down to Business With Open Source BI App

Users of apps from BIRT, the open source Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools project, will be able to access them on the iPhone starting Monday ...


Say It Ain’t So, Microsoft

You have to hand it to Microsoft for chutzpah. Although its operating system and apps are so buggy that new vulnerabilities are discovered with frightening regularity, it now wants Internet users to pony up to cover the cost of cybersecurity ...

YouTube’s Auto-Captioning: Accessibility, Searchability, Profitability?

YouTube on Thursday opened its previously restricted automated captioning beta program to the public, saying it will help the hearing-impaired ...


Mueller to Cybersecurity Experts: The FBI Wants You

The Federal Bureau of Investigation on Thursday joined the Department of Homeland Security in seeking to hire cybersecurity experts from the private sector ...


Napolitano Kicks Off Race to Secure Cyberspace

The United States needs the help of both the private sector and individual Americans to tackle cybersecurity, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, said at the RSA Conference 2010 in San Francisco on Wednesday ...


A New Age for US Cybersecurity

In the wake of repeated warnings by former top-level government cybersecurity experts that the United States is ill-prepared for a cyberwar, White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Howard Schmidt disclosed Tuesday the Obama administration's plans to prepare for the cybersecurity needs of the future ...


Fresh Thinking Needed on Cloud Security

Security providers and businesses have to rethink their approach to cloud computing, RSA President Art Coviello, executive vice president of EMC, said at the RSA Conference 2010 in San Francisco on Tuesday ...

Sony Offers Limp Apology to Livid PS3 Gamers

Sony says a glitch that caused a global gaming lockdown for PlayStation 3 owners is due to a bug in the clock functionality of older PS3s. ...

Facebook’s News Feed Patent Lock – Vaguely Menacing?

Facebook last week won the right to call the news feed its very own. Patent 7,699,123 was issued by the U.S. Patent Office last Tuesday to CEO Mark Zuckerberg and seven other Facebook executives. ...

Will Verizon’s Marketing Juice Grease Palm?

Palm's warning Thursday that revenues for fiscal year 2010 will be "well below" its forecast of US$1.6 billion to $1.8 billion has raised questions regarding its ability to survive as an independent company. ...

The Intel Intrusion: When Is a Hack Just a Hack?

At about the same time in January that Google reported its infrastructure had been hacked, someone broke into Intel's systems. However, unlike Google, which reported the attack publicly and ended up getting the federal government involved, Intel kept relatively quiet about its intrusion ...

Do Companies Need Fed Cybersecurity Intervention?

Once again, Americans are hearing that the United States is a cybersecurity wimp, vulnerable to major damage should it ever suffer a large, organized cyberattack. The latest testimony underscoring that notion came from Michael McConnell, the former director of national intelligence, who spoke to the Senate Tuesday ...

Smartphone Sales Surge as Dumbphone Demand Dips

Global iPhone sales grew in 2009 at the expense of Windows Mobile devices, according to Gartner's worldwide mobile sales report, released Tuesday ...

UN: Tidal Wave of E-Waste Poisoning Developing Nations

Developing nations will be buried under mountains of e-waste unless they quickly implement programs to collect and manage it, according to a report released Monday by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ...

Can an Act of Congress Give the US the Cybersecurity It Needs?

Within about a year, the United States may be better prepared to defend itself against a cyberattack, if the Senate passes Bill H.R. 4061, also known as the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2009. ...

Search Marketing 2010: Everyone Will Have to Work Harder

Search marketing will undergo many changes in 2010, according to marketing agency Greenlight ...

Look Who’s Not Talking About Chinese Schools and Google Hack

News that students in two Chinese schools could be behind recent well-publicized online attacks on Google and other major U.S. corporations doing business in China has security experts running for cover. ...

Evil Kneber Botnet Packs Mighty Malware Punch

As botnets go, the Kneber botnet, which has hit about 75,000 PCs in roughly 2,500 companies worldwide, is fairly minuscule. ...

Could WinPho7 Be a Contender?

With the latest iteration of its mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7 Series, Microsoft aims to narrow the gap between its OS, the iPhone OS and Android. ...

US Cybersecurity Hypothetically Pathetic

Earlier this week, Cyber ShockWave, a simulated cyberattack on America, once again showed that the U.S.'s cybersecurity is not up to the task of protecting the country's infrastructure. ...

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