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Results 2781-2800 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Dell Scores Retail Hat Trick With Best Buy Deal

Still, landing the partnership is a major win for Dell, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "Getting Best Buy for Dell would be like Hillary Clinton getting Rudy Giuliani to endorse her for president. This is huge because Dell and Best Buy oft...

Grisoft Grabs LinkScanner Tech, Targets Security Heavy Hitters

Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle said the type of dynamic scanning that the Exploit Protection Labs technology created is necessary for adequate Internet security "Database scanning can't be depended upon anymore because the criminals are too aggressive on technolog...

OLPC vs. Intel: Developing Nations or Emerging Markets?

"Corporations seldom do anything that doesn't at least have some potential for profitability, and remember, a lot of these markets are emerging markets," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "The point in getting active in emerging markets is that you rise up with them as they go, and somebody's going to do it. If it's not you, then you have a competitor coming up in those markets and you really can't allow that," he added, noting that Intel's Classmate PC efforts help ensure that Intel has a future in emerging markets...

AOL Unloads Video Download Service to Amazon

"It was probably a smart thing to do. [The service] hadn't done particularly well, and none of the studio-centric efforts had been particularly good so far. And iTunes provides a much better service with regard to video -- they are the leading retailer. So this makes sense. It's better strategically for Time-Warner to use Amazon and not appear to try and compete poorly with anyone that resells their products," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group...


Zune’s Success and the MP3 Player Future, Blu-ray Is Sony’s Iraq, Product of the Week

I've been looking at the early numbers from the Black Friday sales and -- as expected -- flat screen TVs are flying off the shelves and you can't find a Wii at anywhere close to retail price if you can find it at all ...

Zonbu Releases Lean, Mean – and Cheap – Notebook Machine

"If you're going to do Linux, I honestly think this is the way to do it. Trying to do Linux like they've traditionally done it -- as a poor man's Windows -- that's never going to fly, and that's going to always be compared against the product that is so far ahead in terms of software support and familiarity," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group...

Murky Outlook Costs Dell on Wall Street

Dell is getting a taste of its own medicine, said Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle "That's the nature of competition," Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "When Dell led the market, everyone was compared to them and generally found wanting. Now HP leads the market an...

Micron Jumps Into Solid State Drive Fracas

SSDs also bring other benefits. "They aren't magnetic so you can use them around machinery more safely," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "They are dead silent -- one of the noisiest things in new PCs is the hard drive. In addition, they...

South Korea to Probe Samsung Slush Fund, Bribery Charges

As recent scandals at companies such as Dell and HP have shown, even the most salacious scandals aren't enough to badly damage major corporations, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "Even the most juicy scandal runs its course before too long...


Amazon’s Kindle, Microsoft’s PBX, Dell’s XPS One, Product of the Week

Last week was a short week, and while you know the outcome of Black Friday, that is still in my future. We did have two big announcements, though ...

Sony Sets Up Shop for PSP Gamers

Sony's decision to open access to the PlayStation Store to PSP users is directly related to its second-place ranking behind Nintendo's DS portable gaming system, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group The Nintendo DS has outsold the PSP by a factor of two to one ...

Wii vs. Xbox vs. PS3: The Holiday Horse Race

"It looks like game consoles are going to sell reasonably well. They show up on the list of top 20 things people are planning to buy, but at the bottom of the top 20, so there are other things that are higher, at least in regards to consoles," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...

Notebook Sales Turbocharge HP’s Q4 Profits

Hurd deserves a lot of credit for the job he's done since he replaced Carly Fiorina in early 2005, said Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle. At the time, HP seemed to be in trouble as earnings were below expectations and Fiorina butted heads with the board of directors...

Will Amazon’s Kindle Spark an E-Reading Revolution?

With Kindle's white design, Amazon clearly worked from earlier versions of Apple's iPod, Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "They probably should have focused more on what Apple is building now, since the market has moved aw...

AMD Spider Weaves High-End Gaming Web

"Spider is the beginning of a response to Intel's strong execution with Penryn, their latest offerings," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "What AMD is doing is creating a platform -- one that should have been obvious -- that blends graphics performance and processor performance to create more overall performance at a given price."

This week ends with one of the most important days of the year. It's called "Black Friday," and it could decide the future of a lot of battles and tell us whether this will be a good or bad season economically ...

Wii Reclaims Glory as ‘Halo’ Fades

However, while the Wii may have more consoles on store shelves now than it did immediately following its launch, the Wii is "manufacturing constrained," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group. Demand is high -- its US$249 price, at least $50 less than its competitors -- continues to be a huge draw...

New MS OneCare Aims to Bring Pro Management to Small Networks

There's a security and management gap in the two- to five-computer networking space, both in small businesses and home networks, Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Windows Live OneCare aims to fill that gap "One of the things that survey ...

On Your Mark, Get Set, Develop: Google Offers $10M for Android Apps

Financial incentives do seem to work, and will likely encourage developers "to put on their creativity hats and come up with some ideas," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, agreed "Ten million is enough to get some folks coding, and clearly th...

Microsoft Aims to Catch Musiwave, Swamp Apple

The move is a reminder that Microsoft is "very serious" about becoming a player in the portable music space "and continues to invest heavily in it," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times The fact that Musiwave is based in Paris and has many Euro...

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