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Results 3121-3140 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

Netscape Rebuilds, Creative Slaps Apple, Gates Rides Into the Sunset

Last week was a busy one for some big tech players. AOL is funding Netscape again, and strangely enough the company seems to have Slashdot on its mind as it moves to rebuild its portal business ...

Vendors Test Gaming Fee Models

While the online services offer potential benefits, they have been slow to take hold. "Initially about 20 to maybe 30 percent of Xbox users signed up for the Microsoft service," said Rob Enderle, president of market research firm Enderle Group. That percentage translated into 2 million users, a solid, but not overwhelming, number...

ActiveX Compatibility at Center of Patch Tuesday

"This could be a pretty painful update with regard to ActiveX. It does mean going back in making adjustments to code," Rob Enderle, principal at The Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "There has been an increasing resistance to use ActiveX at all because of the exposure, so the update might not be as widespread. It will be painful, though, for those who have to make the adjustment. There is no easy way around it."


Dell Dazzles, HP Has Another ‘Big Bang,’ and AMD Goes ‘Live’

Boy, the hits just keep on coming. Last week was no exception, with moves that further put to rest the idea that the tech market is dull and boring ...

Adobe, Microsoft Could Be Headed to Court Over PDF Support

"There is always going to be a tension for Microsoft between getting users to stay within the Windows world and having them use other products," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "They're still figuring out the boundaries of those types of relationships."

Convergence Driving Tech Mergers, Study Says

As for fulfilling emerging consumer needs, no amount of M&A is likely to address the fact that when it comes to convergence, most companies miss the mark, according to Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group in San Jose, Calif "Apple has demonstrate...

Last-Minute Gift Ideas for Dads and Grads

One nice thing about this job is that tons of products get sent to me throughout the year. Some of these things are really cool, and some probably aren't worth the postage it took to send them. With college and high school graduation season in full swing and Father's Day on the horizon, I thought I'd share some info on a few technology products that I think might make an ideal gift for that special someone...

Microsoft: New Office Suite Will Meet January Shipping Deadline

"The challenge for Microsoft in releasing test versions of Office and the operating system at the same time is that the teams haven't worked together during beta. I don't know of anyone who has run the two betas on top of each other," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "These products come out of different development groups that have historically have not cooperated well."

Microsoft Boasts Trio of Beta 2s

Right now, Microsoft customers are concerned about the short term, however. There has been some speculation in the industry that Vista will be delayed again. "The release of beta 2 would indicate that Microsoft is still on target to release Vista during the first quarter of 2007. That's the beta everybody was watching very closely. Everything else is gated on the Vista desktop release," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld...


Dubai Is Tech Center of the Middle East – and HP Takes It Up a Notch

Last week I was in Dubai and, much like when I went to Beijing to visit Lenovo a few months ago, I was surprised at the incredible progress and Western influence that is currently evident in this region. I'm also forced to compare the advancements there to the lack of progress in the United States. It makes me wonder whether the U.S. will become the new Third World one day if we don't do something dramatic to improve our own competitiveness...

Justice Dept. Won’t Pursue Google’s IE7 Browser Complaint

Google's case is not strengthened by the fact that it remains the dominant search player, with nearly 50 percent of the total search market compared to 11 percent for MSN Search, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle said Indeed, one of the reasons the Netscape browser s...

HD Gaming Beginning to Take Hold

The new features promise to make video gaming more lifelike. "Software companies are now able to develop characters and scenes that will seem more like movies and less like cartoons," noted Rob Enderle, president of market research firm Enderle Group While HD has some potentia...

Report: Vista May Eliminate Need for Some Security Software

"Users will gravitate toward a built-in solution because it's easier," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld. Since Microsoft has been a favorite target of hackers in the past, however, with scores of vulnerabilities in its Internet Explorer browser and other products publicized and exploited, "users might take some time to get used to the idea."


What’s After Windows – and Who Does it Come From?

For the last two weeks I've been talking about desktop operating systems, including why Linux is on the wrong path to be a true desktop operating system and comparing Linux to Windows Vista and Mac OS Leopard, where I concluded that Apple will have in 2008 the best opportunity in its history to grow share ...

Gates: Microsoft Underestimated in Google Faceoff

With that kind of cash and speculation on how it could be used -- fueled this week by reports that Microsoft and Yahoo have talked about an expanded partnership -- Microsoft seems an unlikely underdog, said Enderle Group Principal analyst Rob Enderle "Microsoft is not used to ...


Linux vs. Windows Vista vs. Leopard

I mentioned last week that I was planning to attend the Linspire-sponsored Linux Desktop Summit where the discussion would include reasons the folks who build PCs don't want to do Linux. Indeed, some of the commentary at the event related to Microsoft and its vulnerability when it comes to large business and government accounts because: ...

Linspire Launches Free Version of Desktop Linux

"This removes a barrier to someone trying the product, but to a large extent the difficulty remains that the hardware OEMs don't want to install and support it. Free doesn't get them there because they still need money to pay for the customer support. Otherwise it comes out of their pockets," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told LinuxInsider...


Why Linux May Never Be a True Desktop OS

This week I'm speaking at the Desktop Linux Summit in San Diego on why the PC OEMs don't, and probably never will, fully support Linux on the desktop. This is somewhat of a deja vu for me since a decade ago my team made a similar presentation at IBM on OS/2 and why it wouldn't beat Windows in its time. For the purpose of this piece I'm using the word "Linux" as an open source OS catch-all so I don't have to call out every distribution or variant...

Hu, Gates Meet as Microsoft Strikes China Deals

"Microsoft has taken the approach that they can be an agent for change in China," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. The company is likely to come under some fire for its dealings there, but Enderle noted that Microsoft has plenty of history in managing negative publicity and image issues...


The Future According to HP – and Using Blogs as a Political Tool

Last week I visited Hewlett-Packard's lab to see what they have in the works. Lab tours are one of the nice perks of this job. A few months ago I got to see Intel's rather extensive future lineup, and weeks ago I also witnessed Sun Microsystems' rather disappointing event ...

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