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Results 3141-3160 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

Apple as Windows OEM – and Why Microsoft Bundles Don’t Matter

Last week,Apple became a tentative Windows platform OEM with its announcement of Boot Camp, which allows new Machardware to run Windows XP and, eventually, Vista. Apple had said it wasn't planning to support Windows -- just like it said it didn't plan to supportIntel or bring out flash-based media players ...


What if Microsoft Bought Apple?

I spent a lot of time last week reading the Microsoft employee blogs and apparently there is some reasonably strong feeling among many folks who work there that the wrong "Steve" is running the company. This is, in my view, a "grass is greener on the other side of the fence" type of perception -- since "the other Steve," Jobs, that is, is neither known for being a good software guy nor being anywhere near as employee-focused as Microsoft's executives are. He does, however, have skills that Microsoft could use desperately right now...

European Regulators Warn Microsoft on Vista

Microsoft will likely work hard to show the EU it is striving to ensure compliance on the existing penalties and to avoid any new issues with Vista, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "Microsoft recognizes that it can't fight all these battle...

Microsoft Appeals Korean Trade Commission Ruling

"Korea builds a lot of electronics equipment, so there is an infrastructure that benefits from having Microsoft. Those companies would certainly be hurt if Microsoft pulled out," said Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle. "If none of the Korean companies can compete on Microsoft platforms it does create some broader issues for them."


Competitive Shakeups: Dell/Alienware and Microsoft’s Remix

In the midst of the Game Developer's conference in San Jose, Calif., last week, Microsoft announced that Windows Vista would miss its do-not-miss date. Then, Dell, which does not typically do acquisitions, bought the premier gaming PC builder Alienware. Each event has within it the potential to incite massive change ...

Microsoft Unveils Web 2.0 Strategy

"Microsoft owns what we call 'the personal platform.' That's where we all live and breathe. So they have a great deal to say about where it is we are going," remarked Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle "Microsoft is using that say to carve out a space in Web 2.0," he ...


Comparing Google, Microsoft to Netscape, IBM and Predicting Legal ‘Piracy’

Blogs are providing an unprecedented look inside organizations in the Internet age. Via blogs run by current and former employees and associates we can now see aspects of major technology companies that otherwise would only be visible to a few insiders ...

Microsoft Launches $500 Million Ad Blitz to Target IBM Customers

The tension between Microsoft and IBM is centered on the services model that Big Blue has adopted and used to effectively propagate its business software, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. Microsoft hopes to remind technology buyers of the ways its products can boost productivity, he added...

Sony to Appeal Patent Ruling, Opens PS3 Meeting

Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle said while the standards race is important, the looming availability of high-definition video downloaded directly from the Internet takes some of the steam out of the DVD battle. "In the end, the consumer may have the choice to not have to decide," he said...


Intel’s Bright Future: Are There Implications for Apple?

Last week,Intel held its Developer Conference, an annual event where the company showcases the changes it plans to make in its next-gen products. WithMicrosoft's new operating system due to hit the market in a few short months, Intel planned more dramatic changes this year than would typically be the case ...

Intellectual Property Not a Game: Microsoft Marks 5,000th US Patent

Microsoft's strategy is also largely about being able to protect its innovation, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "Microsoft's patent strategy is largely defensive these days," he said. "It is designed, much like IBM's, to provide something...


Trials and Tribulations for Apple, Origami, HP and Gateway

Three bits of news got me thinking about personal computers last week. The first was the "surprise" announcement from Apple that it was getting into speakers and, yawn, building an Intel-based Mac Mini. The second was Hewlett-Packard's (NYSE: HPQ) settlement with Gateway (NYSE: GTW), and the third was the "secret" Microsoft Origami project, which most got wrong in initial reports...


IBM-SCO Battle Flares, Windows Beats Unix, Apple Gets Virus

Last week a number of surprising issues flared in the press ...

Sony Could Lose Ground in Gaming Wars With PS3 Delay

Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle noted that the recent endorsement of HD DVD by Hewlett-Packard, which cited the limitations on legal copying of discs in Blu-ray, was a major boost for the HD standard In the end, however, Enderle said that standard may not be as im...


OSDL Sacrifices Credibility to Make a Point

We are constantly manipulated by statistics, some from the government, some from vendors, often from those we trust. However, sometimes those parties are not worthy of that trust. Sometimes they are being manipulated themselves and so the figures they present can be dangerously misleading ...

PalmSource Debuts Linux Platform for Handhelds

"By the end of the decade, it's going to be Microsoft and Linux on the mobile phone," said Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle But which flavor of Linux? Unlike Windows, Linux is generic, with a variety of players looking to build the Linux mobile ecosystem. PalmSource...

Sanyo, Nokia in Mobile Phone Joint Venture

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said Nokia has also excelled at what he calls mass customization, with Nokia churning out phones that users can make their own by applying changeable skins ...


RIM Punishes Customers, Google Plays Dot-Com and Fiorina Returns

A lot of interesting things happened last week. RIM finally released its plan to work around NTP's patents, Google decided to use some of the massive amount of cash it got from investors to buy real estate on desktop PCs, and ex-HP CEO Carly Fiorina stepped back into the limelight, talking about how she screwed up at the company. After all that, it's hard not to feel somewhat dizzy...

Microsoft to Speed $1 Billion Headquarters Expansion

"For all the marks against it and the stumbles it's had, Microsoft is still a massive company with deep pockets that isn't afraid to put its cash to use," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "They can use their size strategically." Power of S...


The Next Big Thing: What Will Displace iPod, Follow Blackberry?

A few years ago the music player device space was incredibly boring. The Sony Walkman CD player was the last big thing in music players, and it had long since become irrelevant. Products from RIO, which was going through a bankruptcy, and Creative Labs were anything but exciting. Then, from left field a PC company, Apple Computer, entered the marketplace with its iTunes MP3 players. The rest is history...

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