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Results 3161-3180 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

Massachusetts Gets New CIO to Oversee OpenDocument Migration

Microsoft's efforts to make its products work with other platforms are being viewed with skepticism -- which is not a surprise, given the company's history, said Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle "A lot of the open-standards effort that's gone on in the past has been...


What’s Happening in Emerging Tech Power Markets – and a Note on the Disney/Pixar Marriage

Last week I was in Monte Carlo to speak at a conference for distributors in the Middle East and Eastern Europe. Traditionally these regions have been referred to as "emerging markets," but with sales in the tens of billions of dollars and growth rates in the high double digits, I think it's safe to say they have already emerged to some degree ...

Microsoft Profit Surges on Servers, but Xbox Slows Sales

Despite facing increasing competition from "free" rivals in the open-source community, Microsoft has some advantages over some other vendors such as Intel, said Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle "They are protected somewhat by enterprise agreements that assure the re...

EU Extends Microsoft’s Compliance Deadline; US Issues Warning

Microsoft still needs to avoid distraction heading into the Vista launch. The company is now facing the most competitive pressure in its history, with open-source software, a rejuvenated Apple and Google's growing Web-services empire posing threats to the software giant over the long term, noted Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle...


Who and What Will Win the Race for the Digital Home?

This is the final installment of my three-part series covering this year's Consumer Electronics Show, so this week let's focus on the future ...

IPods Boost Apple Results, Outlook Clouded by Intel Switch

Apple should have no trouble clearing out existing Macs to make room for the new family of Intel-powered machines, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle said "The new wave of products could really knock consumers' socks off," Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. Given Appl...

Cisco Latest Tech Giant to Eye Consumer Market

Cisco, like other technology companies, will face the challenge of entering the consumer market without becoming distracted from its core business, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "The markets are vastly different and the result can be a d...

Microsoft Expands Research Presence in India

Many products that will be developed for emerging Asian economies will be developed in India, Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times "India offers lower-cost living conditions, lower-cost labor, and a proximity to other third-world locations," En...


CES: Showcasing the Battle for Content

As the first of my three-part report on this year's Consumer Electronics Show, I'll focus on the big companies and a number of the cool products that were announced early in the show. Next week, Part Two will loop in the late announcements and contrast what happened at MacWorld the following week. In Part Three, I'll point out what vendors are missing in their pursuit of Consumer Electronics opportunities...


Anticipating the Consumer Electronics Show

The Consumer Electronics Show kicks off this week in Las Vegas and I'll be there with the crowd, hoping it won't rain this year and praying I can get from meeting to meeting in one piece. This is a massive show covering the broad spectrum of consumer electronics. This year's show will be amazing, the most spectacular yet. This week I'll share my expectations, and next week I'll chat about what actually happened...


Microsoft Plans to Focus on Small Business Software

While Microsoft was not willing to talk about its efforts, many others in the industry had plenty to say about the software giant's efforts to focus on small to mid-sized companies. Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group in San Jose, Calif., for one, said this area of the market is seen as a "huge untapped opportunity." But he said Microsoft might face obstacles...


Year-End Thoughts on Microsoft, Apple, Intel and Lenovo

Another year is about to bite the dust and this is my opportunity to look back and ahead broadly and cover the things I haven't already touched on in this column during the last few weeks. The month began with my discussion of five companies -- Sony, Google, IBM, Oracle and Apple -- and how four of them would probably drop into decline in 2006. Then I brought up the major technology trends and companies to watch in 2006, and last week's column focused on the major software and hardware battles of 2005 and 2006...

Google Taps Lexar in Application Distribution Deal

Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld that Google is using a derivative of AOL's "take every opportunity to get product into consumers' hands" philosophy "We are outside the realm of giving everybody a CD or a floppy drive as a gift. So one of the most...


A Look at the Software, Hardware Battles of 2005 and 2006

Over the last few weeks I wrote about the companies I expect will be in trouble in 2006 and several of the major trends we can expect to see develop next year as well. This time let's look at a few of the knock down, drag out battles I foresee for the coming year, ending with my final gift recommendation for this holiday season ...

Microsoft Sues Partners in Piracy Crackdown

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said while the lost sales always hurt Microsoft, the impact of piracy wasn't as noticeable as it is now that the company's growth has moderated and as emerging economies, where piracy is often more rampant, have become more important to the company's overall sales...

HP Chief Outlines Trend-Aligned Business Strategy

HP's profits reflect Hurd's leadership, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Financially, HP has been doing a lot better. We've seen a tremendous amount of strength across their entire portfolio," he said. "That's directly related to Mark Hurd's leadership and the executives he has put in place."


Forecast ’06: Major Tech Trends and Companies to Watch

We got the bad news out of the way last week when I highlighted four companies I see as likely to go into decline next year. This time let's focus on the major technology trends coming in 2006 and point to some companies you may not have heard of that should benefit from these trends, both corporate and consumer ...

Bluetooth Wireless for the Holidays

But not everyone is convinced that this will translate into big holiday sales. "Bluetooth has taken off as a cell phone technology primarily for headsets, most of the other products [keyboards, mice, wireless telephones] haven't done particularly well or failed outright," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group in San Jose, Calif. Enderle said Bluetooth is still trying to find a sustained broad use...


Forecasting Declines for Sony, Google, IBM, Oracle, RIM and Apple

As the new year approaches, a look ahead tells me there are companies doing well now who undoubtedly will be doing less well and companies that you may never have heard of that nevertheless have the potential to be stars in '06. Let's talk about the companies at risk first, and next week, I'll review some of the firms I believe to be potential emerging stars. At the end of this column, and for every one from now until Christmas, I'll also include an unusual technology gift recommendation...


Changing the Tech Market as We Know It

In the month of November, three things happened nearly back-to-back that have had significant effects on the technology landscape. The first was the Sony rootkit fiasco, which may have changed the software arena forever. The second was the acquisition by Cisco of Scientific-Atlanta, in what was likely the WMD targeted at the digital home. And finally, TiVo announced its plans to deliver video content to video iPods, potentially breaking the hard lock Apple has on those devices...

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