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Results 3201-3220 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

RealNetworks, Microsoft Settle Antitrust Suit

"They both blinked," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "Real has been struggling and this buys them time. Microsoft wants out from under the EU mess and this should help with that." The deal may help with Microsoft's European Union antitrus...


Anticipating the Video iPod and Envisioning the Digital Home

This week's column is inspired by my experience last week in Miami where I moderated at AMD's Global Vision Conference. A number of distinguished speakers participated and we spoke at length on the digital home ...

Microsoft, Motorola Match Skills for Emergency Services Software

"Motorola and Microsoft have been working increasingly together on a series of fronts," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "This is just one more step to show and allow Motorola to differentiate in an area that they dominate in the United States, which is communications for police and emergency healthcare."

Blinkx Seeks IPTV Spark With Video Blog, Search Service

"What will be different about online TV is the degree of control users have," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "Specialized programming, movie previews and news programs will be found by the audiences that want to watch them." Growing Pains...


Market Shakeups: Palm Gets Windows, AMD Takes Fight to Intel

Two historic events occurred last week that have the potential to change the future of personal computing. The first, and probably the most dramatic, was Palm adopting the Windows Mobile platform for its market-leading Treo communicator. The second, while less dramatic, is nearly as powerful: that was AMD rolling out stable platforms with both Nvidia and ATI...

MIT Creates $100 Laptop for Kids in Developing Nations

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told LinuxInsider that if these $100 laptops were widely adopted, it could collapse prices of computers even further. However, he added, the numbers and the timeline Negroponte cited are both overly aggressive "The production figures...

Hundred-Dollar Laptop Prototype Set for November Release

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told LinuxInsider that if these $100 laptops were widely adopted, it could collapse prices of computers even further. However, he added, the numbers and the timeline Negroponte cited are both overly aggressive "The production figures...

Microsoft Refocuses on Small Business Software

While Microsoft was not willing to talk about its efforts, many others in the industry had plenty to say about the software giant's efforts to focus on small to mid-sized companies. Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group in San Jose, Calif., for one, said this area of the market is seen as a "huge untapped opportunity." But he said Microsoft might face obstacles...


Windows Vista: Hardware and its Secret Advantage

Last week's column covered much of the breadth of software inside Windows Vista. The piece addressed some of the features that probably were not widely known and covered likely competitive threats to Apple and Linux. To refresh, Apple is going into the Vista launch weaker and much less differentiated than when they fought the losing battle with the Windows 95 system, and Vista remains too different from Linux to offer the same kind of threat there...

iPod Slayers Misdirecting Efforts

Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group in San Jose contended that iTunes music isn't the best of the online music services, but as part of a digital music package, it's hard to beat "When you combine the iPod and iTunes, there's still not much that...

HP Buys Peregrine With Eye on Enterprise Management

Others, including Microsoft have found success with rolling up smaller firms that have strong technology. In some cases, those firms have valuable intellectual property (IP) but not the visibility or platform to reach a large audience, said Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle...


Windows Vista: The Final Countdown Begins

Windows Vista is the biggest release for Microsoft since Windows 95. With that release, Apple was tested -- and they failed miserably. I was at Dataquest at the time and not only did I warn Apple to take 95 more seriously, I also accurately forecast the massive decline that would happen to them if they didn't do just that ... Launches Software Marketplace

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle said it's still too early to tell whether the "death of software" mantra being chanted by and others will prove correct -- that is whether the Internet will replace packaged software "It's too early to call it," Enderle said. Wh...

Oracle Buys Siebel in $5.8 Billion Deal

"Mergers typically don't go well, and this one has all the earmarks of major problems because of integration and cultural issues," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told CRM Buyer. "PeopleSoft was a customer acquisition ... simple and elegant. This is grafting a third-party product and existing organization and culture into a mature company with two competing lines. These typically do not go well at all."


Applying Technology to Avoid Another Katrina

As we watch the disaster relief effort play out in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina we seem to be falling into the same old pattern of focusing on finding the right scapegoat rather than trying to make sure we can deal with similar future problems. Even after 9-11, the tsunami, and a variety of other disasters, we seem no more capable of effectively dealing with the critical aspects of such scenarios than we were a decade ago. In fact, we were probably in better shape to deal with such problems in the 1940s...

Microsoft to Publish Search API in Web 2.0 Preparation

Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld that publishing APIs was a necessary move for Microsoft, which is now solidly focused on Google "When you drag Google executives into court as they with this latest Kai-Fu Lee acquisition it refocuses you on your c...

PalmSource Future Brightened by Buyout

Enderle Group analyst Rob Enderle told The E-Commerce Times that PalmSource was likely to take a body blow when Palm announced support for the Microsoft Mobile 5 platform, which is expected to happen shortly "If this happens, it would have resulted in a hard hit that PalmSourc...

Microsoft Sues EU Over Code Revelation Requirement

The effort to clear away long-dangling legal cases is as much about public relations and focus as about eliminating potential liabilities, said Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle "Microsoft recognizes that its better off in the long run if it can focus on competing an...


New Laptops Define ‘Cool’

Except for those of us who build our own desktop computers, laptops have become the product that increasingly defines our personalities and which one we choose says more and more about who we are. Until recently our choices were defined by vendors: Apple if you favored high design, IBM if you liked reliability and unique features like secret keyboard light, Dell if you were driven by price and Sony if small was your thing...

Sun Buy of StorageTek Clears Last Hurdle

"Any merger, particularly in technology, lives and dies based on execution," Enderle Group Principal Analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times The plan behind the merger -- to have enterprises buy servers and storage devices that work together from a single vendor -- makes...

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