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Results 3241-3260 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

Japan Networks Push Internet TV Toward Mainstream

"The Web as we know is going to be completely altered by the arrival of video," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "The opportunities to reach a more focused, more interactive audience is going to drive major changes." That change is already...


HP’s Big Bang Launch: Innovation Applied, Sony Targeted

One of the big problems for complex companies is the ability, or inability, to use expertise developed in one area in another. This is one of the reasons complex companies like Sony often fail; they have all of the disadvantages of that complexity and don't really get the anticipated synergies or economies of scale that were generally used to justify the creation of their complex structures...

Microsoft Back on Midmarket Bandwagon With Server System

Despite Microsoft's concern for the challenges facing midmarket businesses, Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld that the software giant is somewhat on again, off again when it comes to this segment "Microsoft's midmarket division has languished over ...


Protect Your Freedoms in Face of Power Misuse

On this day in the United States we celebrate our independence from what was reported to be a very oppressive government. Of course, since the victors get to tell the story and it all happened even before my time, I have little doubt there was another side. History may seem black and white, but I know the history I have lived through seldom was ...

Microsoft to Pay $775 Million to Settle IBM Antitrust Suit

"Microsoft recognizes that it is at its best from a competitive standpoint when it's focusing its time, energy and resources on innovation and making better products," Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times. "They recognized some time ago that they have to get back to that sharp focus."

AMD Entices Gamers with Athlon FX-57 Chip

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld that gamers, and those pushing the performance envelope on PCs, have clearly seen AMD continue to deliver the most powerful set of processors in their class "AMD has been dominating the high end of the market now f...

AMD Athlon Chip Is Not Child’s Play

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld that gamers, and those pushing the performance envelope on PCs, have clearly seen AMD continue to deliver the most powerful set of processors in their class "AMD has been dominating the high end of the market now f...


The Race That Wasn’t: Choose Your Partners Wisely

I just had one of the most surreal experiences in my life. I attended, as AMD's guest, the F1 Race in Indianapolis where 14 out of the 20 cars racing, including the Intel car, left the race after the parade lap ...


HP Girds for War: Dell, PalmOne Are Targets

A lot can be drawn from watching the initial moves of a new CEO. In Carly Fiorina's case those moves were building an empire and driving a fast path to becoming the largest company, as well as the most visible CEO, in the segment. Both goals were achieved, but afterwards Fiorina lost focus and ultimately, she lost the job ...


PowerPC to X86: Will Apple Survive the Move?

Finally, after sending signals of this move ever since Steve Jobs re-took Apple's helm, the company last week announced that it will move to the x86 platform. While I had clearly anticipated this move for some time I also expected their execution, once announced, to be much more rapid than it will be. Apple's traditional mode of operation is to wait until the absolute last minute and then announce any major release to avoid the Osborne effect, (named after a failed computer company that was known to announce new products a year in advance of their release)...


Technology Battles at Taiwan’s Computex

Computex in Taiwan is the showcase for technology coming out of, and into, this country. Much like Comdex, it, and CeBIT in Europe, are the shows that have defined high technology throughout the world. The vendor battles here are no less dramatic than the vendor battles were at Comdex, and, strangely enough, they are often between and among the same vendors...


Researchers Aim To Protect DVDs with RFID

However, Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group in San Jose, Calif., asserted that while RFID might be tough to crack, it won't make entertainment executives feel less anxious about releasing DVDs of movies as they appear in theaters He explained t...


The Most Powerful Labor Union in the World: Linux?

For several years a number of us have been anticipating the emergence of a Software Labor Union. The argument has not been whether it will emerge but what form it will take. The conditions for forming technology unions have never been better ...

Cisco Responds to IP Phone Flaw

Rob Enderle, principal analyst at The Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld that these types of vulnerabilities are just a fact of life with network attached technologies. "To a certain extent we are becoming somewhat resistant to the concern," Enderle said. "The expectation, of course, is that the vendors will fix the vulnerability quickly."

Microsoft Faces Deadline as EU Seeks Compliance Plan

Microsoft has publicly proclaimed its willingness to comply with the EU sanctions, which fits with its larger strategy of shifting resources away from legal battles in order to better be able to meet the competitive threats that it faces in the form of Linux and the open-source movement, Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times...


E3 Review: Prepare To Be Amazed this Holiday Season

E3 is the conference to go to if you are into gaming. Computer games, console games, even phone games are here, and the show is all about demos and entertainment. No place else in the world can you try out not-yet-released titles, see characters and equipment that only exist in the virtual gaming world and watch live shows of costumed entertainers doing everything from singing and dancing, to showcasing their expertise with a burning hula hoop...


Xbox 360: Like Sony and Apple’s Illegitimate Child

The very first thought that crossed my mind when I saw the new Xbox was that this is probably what would have resulted if the rumored merger between Sony and Apple had been successful. It borrows heavily from design elements common in the most aggressive products from both companies and seems to miss many of disadvantages both firms have historically suffered...

Microsoft Launching Wide-Ranging Mobile OS Today

Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst of the Enderle Group, of San Jose, Calif., although unable to reveal any details about Magneto because of a non-disclosure agreement signed with Microsoft, did attest to the software's potential to slice into Symbian's lead in its market and the Blackberry's popularity among the corporate set...


IBM Cuts 13,000, but Maybe It Should Have Laid Off One

A few months ago the Harvard Business Review did a piece on CEOs and pointed out the average tenure of an external CEO was 18 months, which suggests that a lot of CEOs are simply not qualified for the job they were selected for. Recently the HP board came to the conclusion that their high profile CEO, Carly Fiorinia, wasn't doing her job and took the incredibly painful path of replacing her with another who had a proven track record in the specific areas they felt HP needed more work. In that instance it wasn't a qualification problem but rather the willingness to do a job they wanted done...

IBM Gives Developers More XML Tools

Rob Enderle told TechNewsWorld that he's not surprised Big Blue is moving toward XML. He said we've passed the early adopter phase and now XML reallyis part of the portfolio of anyone who is building a comprehensive tool set "XML is the future of portable application developme...

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