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Results 3361-3380 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

Using Tech To Help Supervise Children

It is hard enough to keep track of a child when there is a full-time parent at home to supervise. In the single-parent household or the dual-income family, maintaining balance between work and parenting is difficult, and providing much-needed supervision is almost an impossibility without substantial help. ...

Microsoft Plans $1 Billion in Cost Savings

Industry analyst Rob Enderle said Ballmer's memo was meant to energize employees and focus them on the many initiatives on the company's plate, from the much-anticipated Longhorn, to Web and computer search innovations and better security "The message is that Microsoft can sti...


The Death and Rebirth of the Movie Industry

One of the things that has stuck with me after meeting with HP last month is that the movie industry is going through a lot of changes. It seems to me that few consumers have any concept of how much this industry is likely to change by the end of the decade. So this week, I thought it might be interesting to explore the technology changes that are coming -- from creation to delivery -- and revisit why it might take some time for us to see the full potential of these changes exhibited in the market...


Formula One Racing and High-Tech Companies

As a guest of AMD, I went to Indianapolis to watch the top Ferrari team once again whomp the other nine teams in what remains one of the most expensive sports in the world. This racing team has been winning for so long and is so dominant in this sport that I often wonder why anyone watches these races anymore. The outcome often seems preordained ...

Salesforce IPO Underscores Investor Appetite for Tech

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle told the E-Commerce Times that the rise of salesforce and similar companies do "represent a change, but that change does not necessarily represent anything more then an interest in being at the front end." Salesforce "indicates that ...


A Year of Change for Personal Computing

Every few years we have to take a deep breath and get ready for change, especially now as the personal computer industry will be adjusting to accommodate the technology changes that have defined it for the last several decades. ...


HP’s Plan To Revolutionize Consumer Electronics

Last week I attended the HP analyst conference and I suddenly realized that the dynamic surrounding the mess we currently have with consumer electronics has changed. ...


Linux vs. Apple: An Uncomfortable Battle

I'm currently reading a science fiction book that refers to Bill Gates, and I was watching a movie recently in which one of the streets is named Microsoft Way, which happened to be on the moon. Clearly, Microsoft permeates much of what we do in tech, so it's no wonder that every time there is a change, we focus on the impact on Microsoft and attempt to forecast a demise that has been overhyped and simply not forthcoming...


Microsoft’s TechEd: Signs of a Recovering Economy

Microsoft has three major annual conferences: the Professional Developer's Conference (PDC), Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) and TechEd. Although each conference is important and has set record attendance in the past couple of years, providing a solid counterpoint to the view that Microsoft is in decline, TechEd is about users of Microsoft's technology while the other two shows are focused on those that sell the technology. At TechEd, you'll find the technology buyers. Microsoft touches more of those buyers than any other single vendor.


Dispelling Misconceptions About Microsoft

I was chatting with a journalist a couple of days ago to help with background on a story on Microsoft designed to debunk one of the most common misconceptions surrounding the company. I started to realize there were a lot of them -- some I actually held myself -- that either were no longer true or never had been ...


Handheld Gaming: The New War

A while back, I wrote a column on how Microsoft had passed Nintendo to become number two in the gaming scene [Rob Enderle, "Xbox v. PlayStation: Microsoft Throws Down the Gauntlet," TechNewsWorld, March 29, 2004]. In that column, I covered what Microsoft was doing to chase the clearly dominant player in the console-gaming market. That dominant player was and is Sony. In handheld gaming, the landscape is very different.


Linux vs. Longhorn: The Battle Is Joined

While it will be some time before Linux is really much of a threat to Microsoft's installed base or Microsoft to Linux's, the battle for the consumer and corporate desktop was actually joined some time ago. Both sides are working furiously to derail the other ...


The Rebirth of Apple as a Multimedia Company

We may be watching the demise of Apple as a PC company and its rebirth as a cross-platform multimedia company. This has been going on for some time, but it just became obvious to me when I had a chance to review Apple's latest financials. The PC market grew at a good rate -- at least compared with previous years -- with 16 to 20 percent growth, depending on who provided the numbers. Apple grew its PC business at a near-flat 5 percent and lost share, again.


The Mystery of BayStar, Microsoft and SCO

SCO has just over US$60 million in resources to sustain it while it fights IBM in what clearly is one of the most volatile wars in the history of technology. What has been very interesting is that SCO publicly has been given almost no chance of winning, while privately the company has convinced several folks, including me, that it has a strong chance.

HP Goes Hollywood with Warner Bros., DreamWorks

Enderle Group principal analyst Rob Enderle said HP believes it has the solutions to enable it to capture and control the entertainment production industry, a place where it is better poised to compete than Dell or IBM "This is about owning a segment for HP," he said in an int...


Fighting Terrorism Through Technology

A few years ago, the History Channel had a program that covered great military disasters. One was the on the French Maginot Line. This was a line of supposedly impregnable forts that were put in place to prevent invasion by Germany after World War I. ...


Avoiding Internal and External IT Scams

The topic of IT scams, both those done to IT folks and those done by IT folks, has come up several times in conversations over the last month. Since internal audit organizations are receiving massive increases in funding, staffing and provisioning, I thought it would be good to review some of the more interesting IT scams so that you too will know some of the things that likely will be found in a large number of firms.


Personal Robotics: The Technology the US Will Miss

I have to admit a certain bias for personal robotics. Nearly two decades ago, when I was first married, our ring bearer was a robot, and one right off the production line. Even today, he remains with us in his little home in the corner of our cellar, where you can almost hear him mumble: "Honestly, I didn't order that extra case of champagne; it was your old boss. Lemme out." We remember him fondly for his ability to entertain children and trip the older guests...

DOJ Bans Linux from US in Wake of iWidget Brouhaha

The ever-controversial analyst Rob Enderle, hanging out in the Dodger Stadium parking lot next to his bright red, SCO Edition Ferrari after the historic arm-wrestling match, spoke to attendees via bullhorn as they filed from the stadium "This love affair can't possibly last," ...


Xbox v. PlayStation: Microsoft Throws Down the Gauntlet

At the Game Developers Conference (GDC) last week, Microsoft raised the bar on what has become one of the more interesting battles in the industry. Actually, it would be more accurate to say Microsoft has taken the gloves off and now -- really -- is going after the entertainment segment ...

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