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Results 321-340 of 577 for Jim McGregor

Sony’s New Business Slate Allows Document Doodling

"The only real benefit I see thus far is the ability to read it in daylight, but that is not enough to overcome the performance and flexibility of an iOS or Android tablet," said Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research. "This may be good for people like attorneys that want...

Microsoft’s Office for iPad Scores Big

The office suite "gives the iPad a bit of a push" in the enterprise space where Android is increasingly making headway, Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told the E-Commerce Times. However, ABI's Orr sees having the suite more as checking off a box.

Obama, Legislators Tackle Bulk Surveillance Issue

"It's all a political ploy," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld "Every government in the world spies on people, and everyone knows the U.S. government is doing it, but when something big like this makes the news, politicians sta...

LG Sheds Light on Internet of Things

"While they may seem rather gimmicky, there are practical applications for these products, such as security, phone or message alert notifications, and they can and will be utilized by other applications eventually," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld.

Office for iPad May Be Waiting in Wings

Should Microsoft tie iPad Office to Office 365, it could be a "severely limiting factor" on the program, asserted Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "I think it would be foolish," he told the E-Commerce Times. "The best thing Microsoft could do is o...

Android Stomps Into Wearables Field

"Watches have become a niche market and I've seen statistics that say the entire watch market is worth $50 to 60 billion," Jim McGregor, principal analyst and founder at Tirias Research, told LinuxInsider "Millennials are moving over to smartphones, and the younger generation...

WhatsApp Flaw Opens Database Doors to Hackers

"It will take something like the Target hack, where millions of people lost their credit card information, to have an impact on the deal," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told LinuxInsider "That will eventually happen as electronic wallets and o...

7.1 Update: iOS by the Dashboard Light

"I would have expected a more significant revamp of Apple Maps, because that is such a high- profile and critical application, especially in conjunction with CarPlay," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. In iOS 8, McGregor believes "that we...

Intel to Pack Big Data Into Smaller Cables

"From what I understand, this is a multivendor effort to develop higher-performance optical cabling," Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "For Intel, it means more efficient cables for the silicon photonics efforts that the company has developed. As long as the industry identifies and adopts this as a standard, there is no downside. You get smaller cables with higher performance."

Mt. Gox: Bankrupt, Accused and Hacked, Oh My!

"I saw this train wreck coming from the start," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told the E-Commerce Times. "For anyone who thinks this is a cool thing with no government involvement, I've got news for you -- somebody was looking to make money off this thing."

The Road to Immersive Smell Tech Could Be Paved With Bacon

"How would you feel if you were watching a movie and started to smell something burning? You would probably jump out of your seat and start looking for [the cause]," Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "Or, what if the smell isn't so pleasant? I'm ...

Roku Sticks It to Google With Streaming Device

"This is essentially just a form factor change from the existing Roku boxes," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "So, unlike Chromecast, which relies on streaming from a mobile device, the Roku Streaming Stick pulls it directly from the us...

Facebook Floats Idea of Buying Drone Maker

"You have the same issues as with balloons or anything else that is still operating around the Earth and outside of the atmosphere," noted Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research "You have environmental conditions and flying debris from space and the ground. The nice thing...

Nadella Begins Microsoft Leadership Transformation

Expect more changes, both in the management structure and the organizational structure, predicted Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "I don't think you can pin all of Microsoft's woes on advertising or marketing," McGregor told the E-Commerce Times...

Chrome Encourages Searchers to Speak Up

"Voice commands offer users another interface and one that would be very useful in situations where your hands may be occupied or you just want to enable an electronic personal assistant," Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld "For people with learning...

Boeing Unveils Suicidally Secure Smartphone

"With hardware encryption and other security solutions, you can significantly reduce the potential threat of attacks," Jim McGregor, founder of Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. However, "unless you're willing to limit the functionality of the device and/or its services, there will always be some threats."

Google Issues Clarion Call for Project Ara Devs

"I have to say that this is really a moon shot project," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "I don't see how this is going to get off the ground. How do you test and certify each potential phone configuration?" he wondered.

White House Leaps Onto NSA Surveillance Merry-Go-Round

"If they don't monitor phone calls and the Internet and something happens, everyone will ask why the government wasn't monitoring things," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told the E-Commerce Times. "They're damned if they do and damned if they don't."

Qplay Puts a Personal Spin on Internet TV

Content availability will play a key role in determining Qplay's success, agreed Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst with Tirias Research ...

Google’s Project Tango Struts Into the Spotlight

"This is really an investment into future applications," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. ...

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