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Results 381-400 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

CES 2020: Prepare to Be Amazed

Every year I look forward to CES being over. That's not because it isn't interesting -- it is. It's because the place is a nightmare to get around, thanks to some incredibly stupid decisions by Las Vegas that turn the city into a gridlocked mess during CES ...


2010 – 2019: Product of the Decade

As we get to the end of December, I typically pick my product of the year, but this is also the end of the decade, so I'll go back and look at the prior products of the year, name my pick for this year, and then pick my product of the decade. Let's get to it ...

Tech Firms Join Forces to Create Smart Home Connectivity Standard

Putting together a common industry standard "typically requires a major player to drive the process," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Apple and Amazon are of equivalent power, and they don't like each other," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Google has...


The Human Problems Underlying Intel’s Diversity Report

When Intel released its diversity report last week, it got pounded for the lack of diversity in its executive staff. ...


A Secret Strategy That Could Be Apple’s Fatal Self-Inflicted Blow

Both Intel and a bunch of professors connected to Apple and the FTC last week came out in support of the Judge Koh verdict against Qualcomm, even though it had been shown that the foundational evidence was manufactured contrary to the wishes of the DoJ, DoD and other major government agencies. ...

Amazon Ratchets Up Competition in 5G, Hybrid IT

These moves "close some huge competitive gaps they had with regard to hybrid cloud deployments where Amazon didn't have an offering, which was costing them a lot of business," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group They "effectively move AWS into the serv...

Amazon Makes Quantum Computing Accessible as a Service

"The major vendors are building a foundation for the wave to come, and not having a quantum effort could result in a huge competitive disadvantage when quantum computing goes mainstream," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "These early efforts help them ...

SMBs Enjoy Online Surge on Small Business Saturday

Small businesses are seeing the need to be online. Shoppers may be fine with picking up ordered products locally, but online shopping is the primary outlet for many, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Now foot traffic moves online. If small busin...


Tapping AI for a Future of Better, Faster, Cheaper Gift Shopping

If you are like me, every Christmas you dread shopping because figuring out what everyone wants is a bit of a nightmare. You don't know what folks want in your price range. If you find out, there is no easy way to be sure they haven't bought it themselves, or that someone else didn't get it for them. Choosing sizes and colors adds to the nightmare. ...


A Glimpse of Our Wireless Future

Last week I attended a Qualcomm event that took me through the coming wave of both 5G and WiFi 6 products, touched on the millimeter wave, and at least spoke to 6G. From this I think I can begin to picture the world as it will exist by the middle of the next decade, and it is kind of fascinating. ...


Thanks, Analysts, for Doing a High Risk, Low Reward Job

Like a lot of you I've been fascinated by the impeachment hearings. I don't think they were a good idea because they have sucked the air out of the primaries, the Senate is unlikely to convict regardless of the evidence, and they are focusing people on the wrong critical problem. That problem is a dysfunctional State Department. ...

GitHub Aims to Make Open Source Code Apocalypse-Proof in Arctic Vault

It depends on how you view the future, observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. We do seem to be ignoring the risks that could end the human race, both natural and man made. This code-storage would offset some of that risk, he pointed out. ...

Google to Offer ‘Smart’ Checking Accounts

This approach "is smart, as it should keep them out of the gunsights of the regulators who have been pissed about Facebook's cryptocurrency," commented Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Entering directly into banking "would be catastrophic for Google and woul...

New YouTube Terms of Service Create Stir

"A lot of people on the service make a living on it," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore. "I don't think Google gets that," he told TechNewsWorld. "When you're dealing with people's income, you not only have to be...


Tech Company Standouts for Giving Veterans Their Due

Today is Veterans Day. I got a note last week from Joe Sestak, one of the shrinking field of United States presidential candidates, reminding me that we should observe a moment of silence in recognition of our veterans today. ...

Microsoft’s Chromium-Based Edge Browser Available as Release Candidate

Usability over the previous IE and earlier Edge versions are a big advantage, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group After using Edge versions for the last few months, he can rely on this browser, he told LinuxInsider, whereas previously he had to switch betw...


The Truth vs. Censorship Trap

There recently has been a lot of rumbling about Twitter deciding not to take political ads, and Facebook deciding -- and this was stupid -- that it would run political ads even if they were untrue. I'm becoming convinced that Zuckerberg is trying to put Facebook out of business. ...

Facebook Employees Blast Company’s Political Ads Policy

The employees' bid to set company policy "is very dangerous, and the path is through unionization -- which is coming back at the moment -- so the game being played has very high stakes," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The letter "is focusing regulato...

Nvidia’s New Shield TV Models Add Dolby Vision, Atmos

Support for Dolby sound can be very important to owners of 4K TVs, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "Dolby is basically table stakes for a good 4K TV, so if you want to do 4K well you have to have Dolby for so...


Getting Sustainability Right

Though they're often made fun of, millennials arguably are making a bigger impact on saving the planet than the generations that preceded them. It does seem strange to me that our governments haven't been more aggressive about protecting the environment, given that the cost of not doing so poses an existential risk to the human race. ...

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