Search Results

Results 401-420 of 1987 for Jack M. Germain

Latest POP_OS! Release Brings COSMIC Overtones

When I reviewed POP!_OS 20.04 in May 2020, I saw its potential to be one of the best starting points for any new Linux user ...

Malicious Bot Attacks Continue To Cost Retailers Big Bucks

Bot detection and mitigation firm Netacea on August 11 announced its research reveals that businesses are paying a high price because of the expanding use of malicious bot traffic deployed against them ...

Windows 365 No Deal for Non-Biz Linux Users

Microsoft's new Cloud PC with Windows 10/11 service potentially offers a way for some Linux users to sidestep what could be the last barrier for businesses to adopt the Linux desktop without leaving behind must-have Windows applications ...

Unsupported IoT Devices Are Cyber-Trouble Waiting To Happen

Imagine reading a headline in tomorrow's news stating that your neighbor's identity was stolen and their life savings cleaned out by criminals who entered through their 'smart' washing machine ...

How Automated Accounting Engines Can Salvage Online Profitability

A much-awaited shopping splurge by pandemic-weary consumers is greeting online retailers with an unanticipated worsening of a recurring back-end problem. Fractured supply chains are causing worsening product delivery delays. That, in turn, is wreaking havoc with e-tailers' bookkeeping software ...

This Digital CX Tool Drives Repeat Customers, No Website Required

Marketing trends have reached the point where SMBs need digital tools just as much as their enterprise-sized competitors to establish a dependable customer experience (CX) ...

30 Years Later, the Trajectory of Linux Is Star Bound

When 21-year-old Linus Torvalds, a then computer science student from Helsinki, released a new type of computing system built on a kernel he created on Aug. 25, 1991, he laid the foundation for what became the Linux operating system ...

Happy 30th Anniversary Linux! How We Got To Know Ya

August 25 marks the 30th anniversary of the release of a free computer operating system that revolutionized nearly every industry and helped spread the open-source movement globally ...

Headless E-Commerce System Puts Checkout Button Anyplace It’s Needed

Online consumers have voted with their fingers what they think of e-commerce websites that provide a poor experience. In exchange for a less than satisfactory buying experience, shoppers are abandoning their digital shopping carts to show their displeasure ...

30 Years of Linux History Told via Distros

Happy Birthday, Linux. At 30 years old, you have made quite a reputation for yourself. Having spirited the rise of open-source software, you have turned the world of proprietary computing upside down ...


MakuluLinux Shifts Designs for a Better Linux Experience

In September 2020 Jacque Montague Raymer, developer and creator of the MakuluLinux family of distributions, released a new distro inspired by a project he shelved several years ago. On Aug. 10 of this year, he released an upgrade that puts an expanded "Shift Distro" into revolutionizing the Linux distribution's user interface ...

Conflicting Research Hides Best Age To Start Your Own Business

You are young -- as in under 30 -- are smart and have financial support. That makes you a great candidate to start your own business and most likely to meet with astounding success. Right? ...

The Sleeping Ad Giant That Is TikTok

Brands are seeking new and eye-catching ways to stay relevant with their ads amid the continuing surge of online shopping. As marketers look for every possible scenario to feed the consumer frenzy for digital deals, social media -- TikTok included -- could offer them one of their best options ...


Logiq CEO Tom Furukawa Discusses Global Trends in Digital Commerce

E-commerce and m-commerce are transforming the economic landscape. Both markets were steadily growing before the pandemic. But since then, consumers have been fueling both types of commerce with a frenzy ...

How Natural Language Understanding Smartens Customer Interactions

Tapping into natural language understanding (NLU) technology as part of an overall approach to managing customer relations improves the experience that businesses provide to their customers ...

Researchers Track Linux Intrusions to Cryptojacking Gang

Bitdefender security researchers have uncovered a Romanian-based threat group active since at least last year targeting Linux-based machines with weak Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) credentials ...

Marketers Need New Strategies To Parry Cookieless Advertising

As if online vendors did not have enough changes to handle in this post-Covid marketing environment, the impending loss of third-party digital cookies will soon force the e-commerce advertising industry to shift its strategies fast ...


Supercharging Customer Retention

Lifetime Value, or LTV, is key to growing your business. Without it, you might as well turn off the lights and go home ...

Salt Labs Launched To Heighten API Security Threat Awareness

Anyone with a stake in keeping ahead of cybersecurity assaults and enterprise network intrusions through an application programming interface (API) vulnerabilities can now tap into expert advisories and security reports ...

Deal Hunters Spending Time on Gamified Commerce

A new e-commerce trend catching on as the pandemic stranglehold on consumer access to brick-and-mortar stores loosens is converging shopping with playing games as a source of entertainment ...

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