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Results 401-420 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

GoPro Max 360 Wins Reviewers’ Plaudits

It makes sense for GoPro to build a 360-degree camera, even though watching 360-degree video is limited to virtual reality hardware, observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "GoPro doesn't want to have somebody mov...


3 Coming Tech Advances That Could Boost Our Safety and Smarts

I was moved by the recent news about a woman being shot in her home by a police officer who had come to check up on her. Once again, I found it frustrating that people immediately jumped to apply blame before all the facts were in, which tends to do more damage than good. ...


Virtual Pets, Virtual People and Virtual Immortality

One of the interesting and somewhat underappreciated aspects of the Qualcomm wireless event in San Diego a few weeks back is that 5G will make realistic augmented reality avatars possible. This advance will be possible because with high bandwidth and very low latency, processing could shift from the device to the cloud. ...

Devs Engage in Soul-Searching on Future of Open Source

The issue with open source is that there is not one camp. The definition of what "open source" means can vary from person to person, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "This lack of consistency makes it very difficult to balance open source and closed...

Sonos Launches Rent-a-Speaker Pilot Program

"Like any rental, you could end up paying more for the speakers than if you bought them," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "There are also issues with extra charges if the speakers are damaged, and the probabi...


Ballmer’s Vindication: Microsoft Launches 5 Apple-Killer Surface Products

One of the last major initiatives former CEO Steve Ballmer launched before he left Microsoft was its Surface effort. It was designed to address the concern that the iPod would take over the PC world. ...

New Surface Line Makes the Earth Move for Microsoft Fans

"Laptop screens prevent them from becoming as small as we want to carry and as big as we need to work," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "The Surface Neo is an attempt to fix that problem." The Neo "brings back Microsoft as the innovator in hardware," ...


A Peek at Our Wireless Future

Last week, I attended a Qualcomm event that took me through the coming wave of both 5G and Wi-Fi 6 products, touched on the millimeter wave, and at least spoke to 6G. From this, I think I can begin to picture the world as it will exist by the middle of the next decade, and it is kind of fascinating ...

Amazon Enlists 30 Partners in Voice Interoperability Initiative

Apple and Facebook "aren't good at partnering, and Google has the attention span of a 4-year-old on sugar, so they may have simply not gotten around to it yet," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Further, Google and Facebook "have horrid reputations w...

Google’s ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ Approach Wins Nod From EU Court

If every country expected its laws to apply globally, "enforcing those laws would not only be a nightmare, but the laws would stack, making it nearly impossible for firms or individuals to comply with them while remaining in business," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group...


Tech Approaches to Offsetting the Ecological Disaster of Deforestation

Watching Brazil's rain forest burn is causing a lot of us to freak out a bit. Referring to it as "the world's lungs" may be an overstatement, but the rain forest is a critical global resource, and its destruction undoubtedly will do even more ugly things to global warming. ...

Facebook’s New Portals: More Ways to Follow

The Portal TV blends the functionality of a set-top box with social media and video conferencing, observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "It's light on the set-top box part, lacking Netflix, but the other two features are unique," he told TechNewsWorld....

Pine64 Teases $25 Linux Smartwatch

The smartwatch probably will not fare well with consumers, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. He described the project as old school -- the way things were before DOS "The product is targeted at true tech geeks, folks that love to program and are good wi...


What’s Wrong With Apple?

Apple held its huge product announcement event last week, and what once had people besides themselves with excitement has become a near pointless program of copied features and missed expectations. ...

50 AGs Gun for Google in Antitrust Offensive

"Google's dominance alone justifies an investigation just to ensure they aren't mis-acting," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, "but the evidence they are is damning." The U.S. Department of Justice is looking into Google parent company Alphabet, which ...

Amazon Trying Out Hand-Scanning Payment System: Report

Hand-scanning "is probably a more acceptable solution to many than facial recognition, which has had serious problems with ethnicity," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "It should be a ton better than credit cards and picture IDs, which are relatively e...


Calling BS on Clueless Predictions by Musk and Ma

There was an interesting dialog between Elon Musk and Jack Ma last week. Two of the most powerful men in the world, they both have invested heavily in artificial intelligence. Ma, who is the Alibaba Group cofounder and a huge advocate for the 12-hour a day six-day Chinese work week in tech, indicated that he believed AI would reduce the work week from 72 hours (where it now is in China) to 12 hours -- that is, three 4-hour workdays. I think he has firmly stepped away from his reality. ...

Apple Says Sorry for Listening In on Siri Talks

"Believing that absolute privacy is even possible in the Internet age is delusional," cautioned Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Everything we do is largely tracked and recorded, and I think it's better to learn to behave accordingly," he told the E-Commerc...

Storm Erupts Over Google’s Advice Against Blocking Cookies

However, without tracking of some kind, both the consumer and the advertiser lose value, observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Google lives off that value so this is self-serving." That said, "what we have isn't working, so there needs to be another pa...

Instagram May Roll Out App for ‘Real Friends’ Sharing

"It is yet one more thing in a market increasingly awash with too many social networking apps," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "Consumers are becoming overwhelmed with the number of social media apps they hav...

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