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Results 441-460 of 577 for Jim McGregor

Multiple Screens Can Join Together in a Pinch

"The apps that come to mind would be gaming, which was demonstrated [in the Pinch video] and social networking applications," Jim McGregor, principal at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld Pinch uses WiFi to connect devices, but, while WiFi "will provide the best image resolut...

ItsOn Snags VC Funding for a la Carte Mobile Data Service

"[ItsOn] has to target the carriers because consumers won't and don't need to pay for this when you have other companies like Google and Microsoft providing similar solutions," Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, told the E-Commerce Times. "Carriers are looking for any way to increase revenue per user so there is a need among carriers for services of the kind ItsOn says it's offering."

Amazon May Buy TI Chip Biz to Scratch Phone Itch

Texas Instruments has had some challenges and exited some business lines recently, Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told the E-Commerce Times. "At the same time, it has invested in its analog products. So, at least the company is focusing on areas where it seems to have a competitive advantage -- analog and embedded applications." ...

EPEAT’s Revised Rule-Making Draws Greenpeace Ire

"Our industry as a whole is not very green, and those companies that claim to be green may meet some standards, but, from my standpoint as an eco-friendly person, the standards are so lax they're not funny," Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld EPEAT'...

Kindle Paperwhite Receives Glowing Reviews

The screen and the form factor are the Paperwhite's key attractions for Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research "These devices are no longer competing with a book or magazine, they are now competing with a few sheets of paper," McGregor told TechNewsWorld. However, the brig...

New Nooks Bitten by the Showbiz Bug

"The video service is the real story, not the new devices," Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "I don't think [the Nooks] are in the same league as Amazon and Apple, but they are moving in the right direction. Anyone can build a tablet but, as we've seen, few can sell one without the content and services."

Intel Connects With IDT to Power Up Wireless Charging

"Intel Labs has been working on [magnetic resonance charging] technology for quite some time, and obviously Intel is also helping define what goes into next-generation PCs, especially the Ultrabook, and IDT has been making chipsets for PCs for years," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld...

AMD Imagines a Future Steeped in Computing

Surround Computing may well be one way to describe the next logical step in processor technology, said Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research. "It is really the next revolution in computing that allows devices, particularly mobile devices, to interact ...

Android Draws Point-and-Shoot Duty With New Nikon S800c

Newer versions of Android may have more system requirements and make more demands on battery life, remarked Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research "We're going to see this more and more with cameras and cellphones -- their manufacturers won't always be ...

Acer’s Anger Rises to the Surface

"The OEMs ... are getting beaten up in the Android tablet market by content aggregators such as Apple and Amazon that released their own platforms," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research,, told the E-Commerce Times. "Microsoft is more worried about competing with Apple and Google than the overall impact [of its move] on the OEMs."

Skype’s Server Upgrade Triggers Wiretapping Worries

Further, communications can be -- "and in the case of international communications are already -- monitored by government servers," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst of Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "This is already a reality and a result of the current state of the world." ...

Can Sparrow Teach Gmail to Sing?

"I'm not really sure why Google acquired Sparrow," Jim McGregor, president and founder of Tirias Research, told The E-Commerce Times. "That's a company with just five people, a very limited app targeted at competitors' products, and likely a very limited IP portfolio." There m...

Skype IMs Go Rogue

Skype hasn't specified the exact root of the problem, but "there are a number of things that could cause this," Jim McGregor, founder and principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "It could be a bug arising from capabilities with a particular operating system or other application configuration, or a bug within someone's computer system, or a bug in the application."

Can Google Drive and Docs Add More Shine to Chrome OS?

"The problem is that Chrome is a hosted OS solution, and the entire computing environment isn't in the mode for a completely hosted solution," Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "You'll need connectivity all the time, and you'll need the bandwidth, and many apps aren't even designed for that environment."

Google Makes Its Play in Tablets

The Nexus 7 has "good performance specs and a good and reasonable price point, but I believe 3G and 4G capability will be a requirement and an early differentiator," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld "My initial thoughts are, good specs, sh...

HP Bets on Atom for Low-Power Server Moonshot

"HP is trying to create a more flexible platform that can use different hardware or processing solutions and can be configured for almost any application," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld The goal "dates back to the blade server solutions...

Obama Signs Order for Full-Bore Broadband Expansion

"Any time the federal government gets involved in the high-tech industry, bad things come of it," Jim McGregor, principal analyst at Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "I think [the single approach to leasing federal assets] is a horrible idea." The need for more data channe...

Multitude of Mobile Wallets Could Give Consumers Crowded Pockets

"We're talking about trillions of dollars at stake in the mobile payments market, and everyone has their own idea of what a solution would be," Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, told the E-Commerce Times. "Carriers, retailers, banks, credit card companies all want a piece of the pie, and the poor retailers were the last ones to jump in -- they were having these different things pushed at them and finally decided they could lower their own costs."

Samsung Gets Extra Cozy With Linux Foundation

"Besides the money, the Foundation's got a huge commitment from Samsung for a lot of development efforts which will feed back," said Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, said Samsung is "going to make multiple bets in multiple areas [using Linux] because they have the r...

New Asus Desktop Converts Into Gargantuan Tablet

"This is just one version of what we're going to see in the consolidation for crossover between tablets and PCs," Jim McGregor, president of Tirias Research, told TechNewsWorld. "I don't think it's going to be the most common; that will be the Ultrabook style where you can use the device as a clamshell device or as a tablet."

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