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Results 461-480 of 3482 for Rob Enderle

Following Protests, Google Cuts Temps, Vendors, Contractors a Fairer Deal

"In general, this will increase [Google's] costs, but it should also result in a better quality of worker, and should improve their image, which needs a lot of help at the moment," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group With relation to its workforce pol...


Apple’s Path to Destruction

One of the things I mention very infrequently is that I was groomed to be a CEO from a very early age. At IBM, I was part of two programs. One was a unique Tiger Team effort designed to correct underperforming units by eliminating problem executives, and then replacing them with team members until new and hopefully better executives could be found. The other was the firm's grooming program for top executives. Those were on top of my three management degrees and Certified Management Accounting certificate. ...

Apple Wants Its Credit Card in Your Digital Wallet

Apple Card looks like the most attractive credit card on the market at the moment, but it won't always be that way, predicted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "When a card launches, it often launches with very aggre...

EU Parliament’s OK of Online Copyright Rules Fuels Dissent

"They appear to be trying to do the right thing, but balancing between free speech and copyright infringement is almost impossible," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "There is really nothing you can do now with regard to regulations on the Web about...


The Future According to Nvidia

I spent last week at Nvidia's GPU Technology Conference, and I expect this will be the last year it will go by that name. The company has evolved significantly during the last decade with robotics, artificial intelligence, and even complete workstations and servers taking it well beyond its GPU roots. My bet is this will become Nvidia's Developer Conference going forward, as the firm displaces Intel in the hearts and minds of developers and buyers. ...

New Oculus Rift S Pushes VR Experience Up a Notch

"Lenovo typically builds high-quality products for relatively low prices, which is why Disney, which has very high-quality requirements, has used them in the past for their headsets," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "One of the big issues with the fir...

Google Stadia: Future of Gaming or Pie in the Cloud?

Another issue with streaming services has been latency, especially in the mobile realm. However, the deployment of 5G technology should help address that problem, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "While 5G ava...


How to Rein In Powerful Companies Without Ruining the US Tech Industry

Elizabeth Warren's desire to curtail Facebook, Amazon and other companies that have misused their massive power -- or may do so in the future -- is well founded. The U.S. appears to be trending toward civil war, and I'd place social media in general on the wrong side of this trend. I do think most of us want to avoid that war. ...

New Chrome Extension Aims to Make the Web Less Toxic

Still, "some seem to believe that free speech means you have to listen to what they say," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Even though that's incorrect, it doesn't reduce their belief that their own words should be inviolate," he told TechNewsWorld...

Warren Dons Tech-Buster Mantle

"If the world were just the United States, Warren's proposal would ensure competition," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "But the world isn't just the United States. We compete globally," he told the E-Commerce...


The Strange Tech Wars of 2019

The tech market is defined by its battles: Microsoft vs. IBM; Apple vs. Microsoft; Netscape vs. Microsoft; Google vs. Microsoft. If Microsoft were a person, it likely would have PTSD. Then there was Apple vs. Google, and now the big one is Apple vs. Qualcomm. ...

Microsoft Defends Jumping in AR Bed With Military

Employee activism can be somewhat dangerous for a high-tech company, though, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "Policy should typically be set at the top of the company, not at the bottom," he told TechN...


The Latest Efforts to Make the iPhone Obsolete Could Have Teeth

TheMobile World Congress, which kicked off on Monday, is the annual event where everyone who hates Apple goes to grouse about their profits and point out Apple's lack of real progress. That's pretty much everyone who is anyone, aside from Apple itself, which also is at the event. ...


Wireless Charging and Our Autonomous Electric Future

One of the biggest problems for those of us who have electric cars is charging. Chargers that drop the charging time to a few minutes have been coming to market, but the cars that can use those chargers haven't yet begun to ship. ...

LinkedIn Launches Streaming Video Service as Private Beta

"This is a focused service for business content," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Live streaming is "a late communications and media strategy for LinkedIn," noted Ray Wang, principal analyst at Constellation Research. "Live events, training, and intera...


How IBM’S Project Debater Could Fix the State of the Union

Last week, like a lot of you, I imagine, I watched the State of the Union and tried to figure out what was true and what was fiction. Tied into several of the live-streamed press fact-checking streams, I found that the comments validating or invalidating what the president said came in so far after the comment was made that it would have been better to skip the speech and wait until the next day when the talk and the feedback were better matched. ...


FTC v. Qualcomm: What Really Is Going On

I've been watching antitrust cases actively since the 1980s. I had to study historical antitrust cases going back to Standard Oil and RCA, in order to ensure compliance with a related consent decree When I worked at IBM. Each of the other cases had one thing in common: Both of the companies being charged were massively and obviously monopolies. ...

Crypto Support in Samsung Galaxy S10 Could Fall Flat

"Samsung is the segment leader," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "If they do something, every other smartphone vendor will certainly consider following," he told the E-Commerce Times. That said, "whether they actually follow will likely have a lot t...


Why Intel Is in Such Horrid Condition

Intel released earnings last week, and it was ugly. Yes, the company beat expectations on the bottom line, but it missed big on the top line and the outlook was dismal. Looking under the covers, the company is a mess. The expected CEO announcement -- it has been operating with an interim CEO -- didn't occur. ...


The Rise of Activism in Tech Companies

Things have been changing at an almost unprecedented rate with regard to power structures. The last time I saw this happen was in the 1970s when the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission took off. Suddenly a lot of the off-color, sexist and racist jokes that many executives regularly told could get them fired. A surprisingly large number of people got reassigned, fired, demoted, or otherwise punished for the same behavior that previously had made them "one of the guys."

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