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Results 501-520 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Let’s Create a TV Show to Fix Silicon Valley

Startups have been creating employee hell in Silicon Valley. That was in the forefront of my mind as I read the book Lab Rats: How Silicon Valley Made Work Miserable for the Rest of Us. I think this book should be required reading for anybody who thinks working for a startup in Silicon Valley would be fun. ...

The Internet’s Precarious Health

"Mozilla is trying to stand out as an organization with the user's best interests at heart," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "This is well-timed, given that the issues Facebook has with data collection -- and Cambridge Analytica -- likely have people c...


Crisis in Tech: Who Can Save Companies When Execs Go Off the Rails?

Several of us have become increasingly concerned about the lack of ethics on the part of market-leading companies at the moment. Kara Swisher's New York Times column is an eye opener, considering that she concluded that "too many digital leaders have lost their minds." ...


The Rise of Activist Employees in the Tech Industry

Things have been changing at an almost unprecedented rate with regard to power structures. The last time I saw this happen was in the 1970s, when the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission took off. Suddenly a lot of the off-color, sexist and racist jokes that many executives regularly told could get them fired. A surprisingly large number of people got reassigned, fired, demoted, or otherwise punished for the same behavior that previously had made them "one of the guys." ...


Serious Efforts to Use Tech for Good Shine Through

For much of this year, technology companies have been showcased in a very poor light. ...


PC Innovation Is Back

There were two interesting product launches last week. HP delivered what is pretty much a clean slate rethinking of the 2-in-1 PC with the HP Folio, and Microsoft unveiled a refresh of its Surface Line. ...


How AI Could Fix What Seems Unfixable

Like many of you I watched last week's Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, and I was struck by the fact that they seemed to be more about the Democrats fighting with Republicans to see which party could corrupt the Supreme Court more effectively than they were about senators doing their jobs. What bothers me most about that is, regardless of the goal, if you corrupt the highest court in the land you effectively destroy the Constitution -- and by doing so, the country. ...


Women as CEOs: The Problems and the Promise

An interview with IBM CEO Ginni Rometty, conducted earlier this month by Walter Isaacson for Amanpour & Co. on PBS, is worth watching. Ginni is one of the most successful CEOs in the United States. One of the questions that jumped out at me had to do with why the number of female CEOs has been declining. ...

Amazon Has Big Plans for Alexa in Homes, Cars

"If the next big interface is voice, and that looks to be the case, Amazon's trying to get to critical mass so Alexa becomes the de facto standard," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Alexa's Strengths and Weaknesses...


Death Watch Begins for Google

The European Union has been stretching its wings. In the shadow of Brexit, it apparently has decided it has the real enemy of the people in its sights: social media companies and Google. ...

Facebook Goes Into High Gear to Fight Election Meddling, Fake News

The situation "is basically an arms race, and Facebook is massively overmatched," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "When you're rolling against the governments, the efforts of any company are likely inadequate," he told the E-Commerce Times. "Government...

Google Digs In Heels Over Global Expansion of EU’s ‘Right to Be Forgotten’

"Governments have many rights and powers but only one true unalienable responsibility -- to protect and nurture the citizens that underlie that government," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "France, in this instance, is stepping up to this responsibilit...

Sonos Welcomes Devs With Open APIs

Sonos historically has been highly proprietary, as was most of the early Internet of Things industry, observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Oregon "That means that getting a connected device to work with something that...


To Resist Manipulation, Ask One Question

It should be pretty clear by now that the level of effort devoted to manipulating our opinions is unprecedented at the moment. Granted, a lot of this has to do with the fact that most of the "free" online services we use aren't free at all. They are trading our ability to make measured opinions for advertisers' money, and some of these "advertisers" are foreign governments. ...


Of Course Google Is Biased

Bias is a nasty beast. A market research class I took in graduate school focused on the identification and elimination of bias. My final paper was on an intentionally biased piece of research. It was far easier to introduce bias and then talk about the bias than it would have been to attempt to do unbiased work and defend it as unbiased ...


What If Electric Cars Fail Again?

I'm getting increasingly concerned that Tesla will go under and set back the electric car industry a decade or more. At the beginning of the last century, electric, steam and gas all competed for the automotive industry, resulting in far more advancements in gas cars than electric over the decades. Thankfully, no one has brought back steam. ...

Mobile App Financing Startup Gets $6M Helping Hand

Braavo's financing would be considered medium-risk, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The company "basically takes control of revenue and then pays itself, so their risk is far lower than if they were letting you collect and make payments," he told the ...


Nvidia’s Convincing Unreality

When I read the book Ready Player One, I really got excited about the future of virtual reality, but the movie really didn't do the book justice. Some blockbusters have succeeded in interspersing computer graphics with real people and making it hard to tell the difference. Still, a totally rendered movie still looks like animation and you just don't get the film quality you get from, well, film. ...

Google One Paid Storage Now Open to All US Users

"It's likely not as good a deal as it appears," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, "because we often focus on the users and not the capacity -- or how Google will mine the data." Google One Features...

Alexa and Cortana: Two AI Heads May Be Better Than One

Amazon has about 45,000 skills while Cortana has only about 250, but "It isn't the skills, since most Alexa users use only a tiny fraction of them," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "It's more that Alexa is the only interface for Echo devices, so peop...

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