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Results 561-580 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

3 Injured in YouTube HQ Shooting, Female Suspect Dead

Silicon Valley has seen its share of violent episodes, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Generally, campuses are currently defended against folks wanting to sneak in and steal stuff and do annoying things, but they aren't set up to defend against a sho...

4 Ways SMB Etailers Can Manage Facebook Fears

If the scandal drives a significant number of people off Facebook, SMBs' marketing effectiveness on the network will decline, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Currently, it appears to be driving an impressive number of people off that platform," he tol...

New Platform Boosts Intelligence in Bot Interactions

The Autonomous CX Suite "appears very advanced and should find significant interest in organizations that need to interact directly with customers with shared work," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "This is part of an overarching AI effort to automate...


The Power of Social Media and the Coming Repeal of the 2nd Amendment

One of the most powerful political organizations in the United States is the National Rifle Association. The president of the United States recently claimed he wasn't afraid of the NRA, only to have an NRA spokesperson -- not the president himself -- later announce that the president had changed his mind. It was painful to watch the most powerful man in the free world be treated like a small child. ...

Snapchat May Risk Connecting Apps, Despite Facebook Uproar

Snap either should create the API or delete it completely, suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "There's a lot of nervousness right now about third-party apps, and the concern they were used to manipulate not only the U.S. election but also Brexit," h...

Smart Homes: The Power, the Pleasure and the Pain, Part 2

Make sure you know how to operate your IoT devices in case of a power or network failure and communicate the backup plan with the family "so they don't drive you nuts if there's an outage while you're at work," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Ha...

Women-Owned Firms More Active on Social Nets

The indication that businesses owned by women use social media more "identifies a known personality difference between men and women," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "By nature, women tend to be more social," he told the E-Commerce Times....


Chaos Threatens Tech Takeover

The tech world experienced more insanity last week. We finally got confirmation from AMD that the CTS Labs security report was a tempest in a teapot, but the big question remained unanswered. A self-driving Uber vehicle killed a pedestrian, but we didn't ask the right questions. Facebook admitted that it gave our information to a bad actor -- we not only failed to reach the right conclusion, but also forgot what really would wake up Mark Zuckerberg. ...

Brit Lawmakers Want Cambridge Analytica’s Nix to Explain a Few Things

The reality of the Cambridge Analytica data scandal is encapsulated in a recent book, Technically Wrong, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Facebook treats its social media members like low-quality products -- almost like slaves, he told the E-Commerce ...

YouTube to Enforce Broad Ban on Gun-Related Videos

"Some of the 'Jackass' stuff does promote bad behavior as well, so that entire class of video and not just the ones with guns," argued Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The YouTube ban "just seems to fall in the 'let's do something even though it won't have m...

Google Makes It Super Easy to Subscribe to Premium Content

Subscribe with Google "feels more like a response to both competitive concerns and concerns about effectively stealing content," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group It "gives Google even more control, and if you don't trust Google in the first place, ...

Nest Builds More Security, Flexibility Into Smart Home Products

Nest Hello's main competition likely will come from Amazon, which recently inked a deal to acquire Ring, suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The Ring solution "has the option of battery power so it's more likely to be able to function during a power o...


Fake News Has Become an Existential Threat

The scene in A Few Good Men with Jack Nicholson going off on handling the truth has been coming to mind way too often of late. Sadly, this is the world we are living in right now, and social media is at the heart of it. ...

Larry Page’s Self-Flying Taxi Set for New Zealand Test Runs

The main obstacle to getting air taxi services off the ground is creating an air traffic control system that can monitor traffic in cities as well as in more rural areas, where low-flying drones, business helicopters and other small aircraft are competing for airspace, observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group...


I Have Seen Technology’s Future

With the collapse of theIntel Developer Forum, Nvidia's GPU Technology Conference has become the strongest event showcasing the near-term future of technology. ...


Most Companies Have No Idea Where They Are Going

Dell recently collaborated with the Institute for the Future -- an interesting think tank largely driven by futurists, which focuses on helping firms ride future waves rather than being killed by them -- on a survey that creates a frightening view of 2030. It could be far closer to Terminator than the utopia we once hoped for. ...

Disaffected Social Media Users Flock to Vero

"Millennials are pretty sensitive to this stuff, and this kind of thing could easily kill a service like this," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "However, it does showcase a growing weakness with all current social media properties," he told TechNewsWo...


Real Danger and Dangerous Distraction – AI to the Rescue?

The shooting at the school in Florida was devastating, and it appears clear that Russia has been manipulating public opinion in the U.S. to stoke the flames of a divisive argument on guns. What is being missed is a brewing problem that potentially could have an even more devastating impact. ...

Right Blasts Twitter’s Bot Takedown

"One of the things that fascinates me about technology firms like Twitter is how little they seem to get how technology works," remarked Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Twitter "could have tested with a sample," he told TechNewsWorld. "They could have m...

Broken Corporate Processes Degrade Customer Experience: Survey

Most companies are "made up of systems, processes and rules that have been layered over each other," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Automating processes at once isn't the answer, because "automating a bad design will likely make things worse," he ...

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