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Results 741-760 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

New Raspberry Pi Release Targets Industry, IoT

"This is primarily a way to add compute power to industrial equipment, like manufacturing robots, advanced sensors and certain types of controls," observed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Companies that want to compete aggressively on price with an updat...


Did BuzzFeed Just Commit Suicide?

Remember the old song, "You Don't Mess Around With Jim"? The chorus goes like this: "You don't tug on superman's cape, You don't spit into the wind, You don't pull the mask off that old lone ranger, And you don't mess around with Jim." ...

Nintendo Banks on Switch Hit

However, Nintendo will need to sell a lot of Switches for this feature to be useful, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Ready to Rumble...

Pentagon Battle-Tests Micro Drone Swarm

The system is now best for intelligence gathering, suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Each drone could be specialized and redundant, and the system's collective mind spread over an area "could provide an unprecedented level of information and be ve...

Atlassian Scoops Up Trello for $425 Million

Technology mergers historically have been problematic, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group That is because there's an effort to make the acquired company look and work like the new parent, "rather than protecting the assets and unique creativity" of the f...


CES 2017’s Magic

CES was a fascinating show this year. One of the things that made it so fascinating was that everyone and their brother had cars demonstrating one form of technology or another. It kind of makes me wonder what we'll see at the next car show -- PCs, drones, tablets and smartphones? ...

Norton Core Router Gives Home Security a New Design

Still, Symantec is "a widely known security brand in the consumer space, and they're using Qualcomm's latest radios to ensure the device is as current as they can make it,"noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The Norton Core "anticipates mesh networking in...


Looking Ahead to CES: This Will Be a Big One

CES week is here, and it's the one week of the year I look forward to looking back on. CES is a killer show -- not because you are up to your armpits in interesting new products, but because it is so spread out that it'll kill your legs as you hike all over the damn place. One year, I walked so much I actually ripped the soles off both shoes. ...

Evernote Toes the Privacy Line

"At some point, machines will be able to train machines, but we aren't there yet," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "However, any time you have an employee review customer's information, the customer must opt-in. Otherwise, it's a clear violation of their privacy."

Germany Could Ding Facebook for Fake News

Fake news "manipulates emotions and positions which then convert into decisions [people] make in their lives that aren't in their own best interest," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group This "really should be considered a crime for the damage it can do," ...


2016: The Year That Was

2016 really was a year like no other. We had yet another election defined by the misuse of analytics -- and folks seem to be getting worse rather than better at this. We had a rush to robotics, particularly self-driving cars, and some firms even leaped ahead to self-flying, people-delivering drones (which we called "flying cars" just a few years back). ...


Is Peter Thiel the Most Powerful Person in Tech?

There are generally two paths for dealing with someone in power when disagreements arise. One is to confront, and the other is to understand and influence. What is interesting is the most common path taken is the former while the most successful is the latter. I think the reason is that the former path is both the natural path for disagreement and the most visible. Confrontation is always more newsworthy than influence. ...

Tech Leaders, Trump Team Search for Common Ground

"There is a lot of common ground, and largely thanks to Peter Thiel's personal efforts the incoming Trump administration has an unusual focus on making the tech segment more successful," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group That is ironic, he continued, gi...

Nvidia Takes Self-Driving Journey to California Roads

The company is testing its Drive PX2 autonomous driving platform, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Nvidia recently has made several well publicized moves in the autonomous car arena. It forged a partnership with Baidu this summer to build a cloud-to-car...

Apple AirPods Finally Good to Go

"Someone clearly dropped the ball, because without something like this with the iPhone 7 the attached sales for the earbuds were stalled, and it made it harder to sell iPhone 7s," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Both products should have shown up at ...

Magic Leap Catches Flak Over Tricky Video

"Most of us thought that video was a demo of the technology -- not a film created by a special effects company," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "I expect some of the folks that invested in the company likely thought so as well, and that could be consi...

LinkedIn Begins New Chapter Under Microsoft’s Wing

"Microsoft isn't Google, and they're more driven by the needs of the businesses they serve over advertisers," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "This prioritization difference should help with ensuring this type of decision will generally favor users an...


What Trump Should Do With Air Force One

I'm starting to get the idea that for the next eight or so years, a lot of what many of us are going to write will have something to do with what Donald Trump tweeted. Granted, since that has been the case for much of the last year, we have gotten comfortable with it. ...

Amazon’s Register-Free Grocery Shopping Could Disrupt Retail

The Amazon Go concept represents a broad threat to the retail model as we know it, because it could combine the convenience of a 7-11 store with the breadth of a Walmart, noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "It defines 'disruption,' because it also blen...

iPhone Envy May Have Felled Galaxy Note7

Various iPhone models had battery problems, but they were "all fixed with a replacement battery," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The Galaxy Note7's problems "showcase a failure in design testing that likely resulted from a rush to get it to market to ...

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