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Results 40-51 of 51 for Matthew W. Beale

Linux.Com Serves 25 Million, a web portal established and run by VA Linux Systems, reports that it received more than 25 million hits in its first month of operation. Three of those 25 million came during the site's very first day of going live ...

Dell, Microsoft & SBA Address Y2K Issues

According to the National Federation of Independent Businesses, approximately one third of the small business sector has not yet taken action to address a potential Y2K computer glitch ...

USA Wrestles with Encryption Technology Policies

The University of Texas released a study this week estimating that more than $300 billion (US$) in revenue and some 1.2 million jobs were generated by way of the Internet in the US last year. With that much at stake, security issues are increasingly critical for companies engaged in e-commerce ...

Compaq and Red Hat Combine Forces to Advance Linux

Compaq Computer Corp. (NYSE: CPQ) and Red Hat Software, Inc. have announced a development and marketing agreement that will likely add to the mounting momentum of the Linux open-source operating system (OS) movement ...

Report Reveals E-Commerce SLA Dissatisfaction

A recent International Data Corp. report, focused on Service Level Agreement (SLA) issues, found dissatisfaction among 59% of the IT professionals who responded ...

META: Now is the Time to Review Anti-Virus Strategies

With a recent revisitation by Melissa, new strains of the CIH Virus, and the appearance of the Tristate macro virus-- along with the dissemination of new trojan horse hacker tools-- reliable security solutions with ant-virus components might be just as critical as Y2K compliance solutions. According to some experts, even if users feel quite secure with their current solutions, there may be a number of reasons to rethink their position...

Red Hat’s Red Hot IPO

While the name of the Linux open-source operating system (OS) was being brought up in the Microsoft anti-trust trial -- "Linux is beating Windows" -- Red Hat, Inc. was busy announcing that it has filed a registration with the US Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) for an initial public offering (IPO) of its common stock ...

The Magic of Linux

Magic Software Enterprises (Nasdaq: MGIC) has recently positioned itself as a player in the field of Linux-based e-commerce solutions, announcing the availability of its eMerchant product for the increasingly popular open-source operating system (OS) ...

Lycos Opens Millennium Store

"The clock is ticking." 5123:33.23 and counting. When users visit the newly launched Millennium Guide, powered by Lycos, Inc. (Nasdaq: LCOS), they'll be greeted with not only a Y2K countdown meter, but with opportunities to catch up on Y2K news or play a countdown to 2000 trivia game, as well ...

More Movement on the Linux E-Commerce Front

VA Linux Systems and Opensales.Com recently announced an alliance intended in part to advance the cause and availability of powerful and cost-effective Linux servers for companies engaged in e-commerce ...

Microsoft Expands E-Commerce Investment

In a move that some industry analysts have called an attempt to play catch-up in the expansive e-commerce game, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) recently announced that it would quintuple the staff of its e-commerce unit, focusing on small to mid-sized companies looking for an online presence ...

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