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Results 961-980 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Apple’s Researchkit Could Be Gold Mine for Hackers

Apple earlier this week announced ResearchKit, an open source framework that will let medical and health researchers gather data through iPhone apps. ResearchKit will be released in April ...

The CIA Has Been Hacking iOS for Years: Report

The United States' Central Intelligence Agency for years has been working to break iOS security, according to a report published Tuesday in The Intercept. ...

Samsung Offers Free Milk to All

Samsung this week opened its Milk Music streaming music service to anyone via a Web browser, one year after introducing it on its mobile devices ...

New MacBook: Computing Rethought

The Apple Watch may have dominated Apple's Spring Forward event earlier this week, but an unexpected new MacBook could herald the future of mobile computing. It will be available April 10, both online and at Apple retail stores and select authorized resellers ...

Google Roars Onto Auto Insurance Turf

Google last week launched an auto insurance rate comparison site in California ...

Schumer to FAA: Straighten Up Cybersecurity and Fly Right

The United States Federal Aviation Administration should implement cybersecurity upgrades recommended by the U.S. Government Accountability Office immediately, or risk hackers taking over its computer systems, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., has warned ...

Private, Public Teamwork Needed to Fight ISIS on Twitter: Report

Social media firms should team up with the United States government to work out appropriate responses to extremism on their sites, recommends a Brookings Institution report released last week. ...

RHEL 7 Atomic Host Bolsters Container Security

Red Hat last week made Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host generally available, following a four-month live beta test ...

Windows Caught in Path of FREAK Security Storm

Microsoft on Thursday issued a security advisory acknowledging a vulnerability in all versions of Windows that could allow FREAK exploits. ...

Bracing for the Cyberthreat Deluge

Almost 17,000 malware alerts surface every week, the Ponemon Institute recently found. ...

We Done Good, Consumer Protection Chief Tells Lawmakers

The United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has made great strides in carrying out its mission, which is to ensure consumers are fairly treated in the financial marketplace, Director Richard Cordray said Tuesday in delivering the bureau's semiannual report at a House Financial Services hearing ...

China’s Cybersecurity Plans Draw US Fire

China should change its tune on new rules for purchases from American high-tech companies if it wants to do business with the United States, President Obama recently warned in an exclusive interview with Reuters ...

Android Pay: Mobile Payment Systems, Unite

Google this week confirmed that it's preparing to launch a mobile payments framework called "Android Pay." Google SVP of Product Sundar Pichai discussed the project at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain ...

Twitter’s New Safety Rules: Hot Diggity or Hot Air?

Twitter last week announced actions to further protect users of its network -- but it left them vague ...

Samsung’s New S6 Line Atones for S5’s Plastic Sins

Samsung on Monday announced its much-anticipated Galaxy S6 line at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain ...

Ericsson Petitions ITC to Ban Infringing iPhones, iPads

Ericsson last week filed patent claims against Apple both with the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas and the United States International Trade Commission ...

Report: Most Insurance Customers Are Fed Up

If you dislike your insurance company, you are not alone: Worldwide, less than 30 percent of consumers have positive experiences in dealing with their insurers, Capgemini has found ...

DeepMind AI Exterminates Space Invaders, Pac-Man

Researchers at Google's DeepMind subsidiary in England have developed an artificial agent they call a "deep Q-network" that learned to play 49 classic Atari 2600 arcade games by just diving in ...

Government Spies Came Up Dry, Says Gemalto

SIM card maker Gemalto, whose networks reportedly were breached by hackers from the United States National Security Agency and the UK's GCHQ, on Wednesday said the spies got nothing. ...

Net Neutrality: All Over but the Shouting?

After well over a year of bitter, often highly partisan debates, and despite dissension within its ranks and opposition from industry groups, the United States Federal Communications Commission is expected on Thursday to vote in favor of rules enforcing Net neutrality ...

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