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Results 1041-1060 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Google Outs Unpatched Windows 8.1 Kernel Flaw

Microsoft got a fiery start to 2015 when Google last week publicized a kernel vulnerability in Windows 8.1 Update ...

HP Debuts 2 Wee Desktop PCs

HP on Monday announced two tiny desktop PCs, the Pavilion Mini and the Stream Mini, to be demoed at theInternational CES being held Tuesday through Friday in Las Vegas ...

The Halting Progress of Mind-Controlled Robot Tech

Jan Scheuermann, a quadriplegic, in 2012 was able to use her thoughts to flex the wrist of a new mind-controlled robotic arm in a project run by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. ...

Hackers Give Touch ID the Finger

Hacker Jan Krissler, aka "Starbug," this weekend told attendees at the 31st Chaos Computer Club convention in Hamburg, Germany, that he had replicated the fingerprints of German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leven using a standard photo camera and commercially available software from VeriFinger ...

Staying on the Right Side of That Wiggly Clickbait Line

It's well known that certain second-rate media outlets use provocatively misleading headlines to attract viewers and parlay those figures into increased ad revenue, but some better known outlets appear to be resorting to clickbait as well ...

Fraud-Proofing Credit Cards Through Quantum Physics

Researchers at the University of Twente and the Eindhoven University of Technology have come up with what they claim is an unprecedentedly secure way to authenticate credit cards, IDs, biometrics, and parties involved in quantum cryptography ...

Flaws in Ancient Standard Enable Wireless Eavesdropping, Spying

Vulnerabilities in Signaling System 7, telephony signaling protocols used by carriers worldwide, allow third parties to listen to people's cellphone calls and intercept text messages despite encryption, The Washington Post reported last week ...

Boeing Picks BlackBerry to Brace Black’s Security

Boeing has enlisted BlackBerry to help bolster the security of its Black smartphone, BlackBerry CEO John Chen said Friday during the company's earnings call ...

US Mulls Response to Sony Hack

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson on Thursday said the United States "is actively considering a range of options" to take in response to the Sony hack ...

Feds Pounce on Sprint for Phone Bill Cramming

The United States government is delivering a one-two punch to Sprint over the practice of cramming -- allowing third parties to place unauthorized charges on customers' bills ...

Terrorist Threats May Blow Up ‘The Interview’s’ Box Office

The now-notoriously controversial action comedy The Interview, which was expected to deliver profits of US$90-$95 million for Sony, may have become a financial black hole ...

Disappointed iPod Plaintiffs: Jurors Didn’t Weigh the Right Questions

After a 10-year knock-down drag-out battle, Apple on Tuesday prevailed in a class-action lawsuit over its use of digital rights management technology on iPods purchased between Sept. 1, 2006 and March 31, 2009. ...

Skype Begins Dismantling the Language Barrier

Microsoft on Monday announced the first phase of its Skype Translator preview program, which initially will facilitate conversations between English and Spanish speakers. The translator will convert spoken words both ways ...

Good, Bad and Ugly ‘Pirate Bays’ Spring Up in Torrent World

The torrent world is in turmoil following last week's shutdown of The Pirate Bay in a police raid ...

Sony May Have Succumbed to DDoS Temptation

Sony has used Amazon Web Services to launch Distributed Denial of Service attacks on sites carrying files stolen from its network, according to Re/code ...

Iowa to Lead Digital Driver’s License Movement

Iowa plans to issue digital drivers' licenses in the form of a smartphone app by next year, Paul Trombino, director of the Iowa Department of Transportation, said earlier this week at a public state agency budget hearing ...

Amazon Cries Foul Over FAA’s Drone License Stalling

The United States Federal Aviation Administration this week gave five licenses to four companies for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operations -- that is, flying drones ...

No News Is Google Spain News

Google on Thursday said it will close Google News in Spain, as of Dec. 16 ...

Plundered Pirate Bay May Be Back in Business

The Pirate Bay, which was closed down following a raid by Swedish police on Tuesday, appears to have found safe haven on a Costa Rican domain ...

Samsung, Apple Kick Off Round Eleventy in Patent Fight

Apple and Samsung last week squared off again in court over their long-running patent dispute ...

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