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Results 1181-1200 of 3157 for Richard Adhikari

Twitter to Review Toothless Policies on Cyberharrassment

A deluge of hateful tweets after the suicide of actor Robin Williams earlier this week forced his daughter Zelda to publicly quit Twitter and Instagram ...

Apple Lays Down Law on Toxic Chemical Use

Apple on Thursday reiterated its commitment to safe working conditions in its supply chain, and announced stricter rules for the use of benzene and n-hexane, two toxic chemicals ...

If the Internet Could Speak: ‘I’m Melting! Melting!’

Millions of users were unable to access the Web Tuesday, according to reports ...

Snowden Blows NSA’s MonsterMind

The United States National Security Agency is working on a new program codenamed "MonsterMind" that will automate the monitoring of traffic patterns on the Internet to look for attacks, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden told Wired. ...

The Bitcoins Are Coming, the Bitcoins Are Coming

The United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued an advisory warning consumers about the risks of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies ...

The Cavalry Rides Into Auto Industry With Security Proposal

A grassroots group calling itself "I Am The Cavalry" has published an open letter to the automotive industry offering its services in ensuring security and safety ...

Amazon Gives Disney a Swift Kick in the Shins

Amazon, which has for some time been locked in a battle with publishing giant Hachette over the pricing of e-books, has broadened the battlefield to take on Disney. It has stopped taking preorders of Disney DVD and Blu-ray discs ...

I Think, Therefore IBM

IBM has announced the latest version of its neurosynaptic processor -- that is, a processor whose workings are inspired by the human brain ...

Carrier Software Flaws Imperil Smartphones: Report

Wireless carriers pose a threat to mobile phone security, researchers have disclosed ...

Flailing Barnes & Noble Turns to Google to Help Fend Off Amazon

Some Barnes & Noble customers in Manhattan, West Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area will be able to get same-day delivery of their purchases through Google Shopping Express, according to media reports that surfaced Thursday ...

Flailing Barnes & Noble Turns to Google to Help Fend Off Amazon

Some Barnes & Noble customers in Manhattan, West Los Angeles, and the San Francisco Bay Area will be able to get same-day delivery of their purchases through Google Shopping Express, according to media reports that surfaced Thursday ...

Russian Cybergang Stockpiles 1.2B Unique Stolen Credentials

A Russian cybercriminal gang so far has stolen 4.5 billion credentials, of which 1.2 billion appear to be unique, Hold Security announced Tuesday ...

WiFi Insecurity: Crying Wolf or Big Bad Wolf?

Can a hacker take over a passenger jet by sneaking in through its WiFi or in-flight entertainment system? ...

Sprint Sheds Hesse Along With T-Mobile Hopes

Softbank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son on Tuesday announced sweeping changes for subsidiary Sprint ...

Researchers Finagle Sound From Silent Video

Researchers from MIT, Microsoft and Adobe have developed an algorithm to extract audio information from video footage ...

Navdy May Drive Into the Sunset

Navdy has announced an aftermarket car heads-up display (HUD) console that lets drivers access their iOS or Android smartphone's apps without taking their eyes off the road ...

Apple’s Big Blue Dilemma

Apple reportedly is gearing up to do what it does best -- introduce a new gadget or two. Word is the company will hold a spellbinding iPhone event come Sept. 9 ...

Panasonic to Help Make Tesla’s Gigafactory Materialize

Tesla and Panasonic last week signed what is effectively a memorandum of understanding regarding their collaboration on Tesla's Gigafactory -- a large-scale battery manufacturing facility ...

Microsoft May Put an Attractive Price Tag on Win 9: Free

The "free Windows 9" rumor once again is making the rounds. The buzz over Microsoft's supposed plan to offer users of Windows XP, Win 7, Win Vista and Win 8 a free upgrade to Windows 9 began in June, sparked by ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley, who just amplified it with more hints from her sources ...

Federal Judge Unswayed by Microsoft’s Objections to Data Demands

Microsoft's objections to a court order requiring it to turn over a customer's emails held on a server in Ireland have been rejected ...

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