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Results 1321-1340 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Facebook Adds Training Wheels for the Humor-Impaired

"Folks that mistakenly read and forward satire are embarrassed in front of their friends, and some of those embarrassed people have been folks in power that had no sense of humor," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "I expect one or two ma...


Why Tesla Is the Best Car Company in the World

As an analyst in a market of experts, I'm known as a generalist, but if I have an area of particular focus, it is how to make customers love you. In the car space, there are two emerging vendors on the world stage: India's Tata, which now owns brands like Jaguar and Land Rover; and Tesla, the dominant provider of electric cars. ...

Twitter to Review Toothless Policies on Cyberharrassment

"Eventually, we'll fully wrap our heads around the fact that behavior we wouldn't allow in public in person shouldn't be allowed on social networks either," sighed Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "I'd hoped it would have happened sooner." Where Does the Bu...

If the Internet Could Speak: ‘I’m Melting! Melting!’

"The industry faces many limitations with communications, ranging from wireless spectrum to core network bandwidth, and there is never a single solution to overcome these limitations," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "The immediate need ...

Amazon Flows Into Mobile Payments Territory

As for Amazon itself, Amazon Local Register offers a fast path to more revenue, Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "It has a large customer base already from its Amazon website and converting them should not be a problem." Small b...

Microsoft Gets the Jitters Out of Time-Lapse Video

"When you're talking about time-lapse video, you absolutely need some kind of smoothing technology; otherwise, the image will be so jerky it will make you ill," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Initially, lots of computing power and hou...

The Cavalry Rides Into Auto Industry With Security Proposal

"For nearly a decade, there have been a series of events that scared the industry, and, up until now, they have been keeping the connected parts of the car separate from the parts that drive, secure and maintain it," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld...

Amazon Gives Disney a Swift Kick in the Shins

However, disputes with publishers won't hurt Amazon because "it's the biggest player [online], and if the book companies combine to go after [it], they'll get nailed for unfair trade practices like Apple did," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...


Intel’s Broadwell: What Happens When the MacBook Air Is Thinner Than the iPad Air?

Intel on Monday introduced its Broadwell processor platform to the world, and it is an impressive piece of technology. Stepping outside of its normal two-step process of first releasing the processor and then updating the platform, Intel is doing both this cycle, and the end result is a massive step forward in terms of size and power efficiency. Intel is stepping solidly into turf once owned by the ARM technology most commonly found in tablets and smartphones. ...

I Think, Therefore IBM

IBM's latest neurosynaptic processor provides "a level of processing in parallel that comes close to what organic brains can do," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld This "moves us from calculations to being able to reason and make decision...

Carrier Software Flaws Imperil Smartphones: Report

"Until this is fixed, certain things like banking should not be done on a smartphone that doesn't have an aggressive patching policy," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Android devices are particularly at risk because they dominate the mar...

Flailing Barnes & Noble Turns to Google to Help Fend Off Amazon

From Google's perspective, the partnerships with B&N and other companies "may be the beginning of a service to match Amazon more broadly," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group It's All About the Search...

Flailing Barnes & Noble Turns to Google to Help Fend Off Amazon

From Google's perspective, the partnerships with B&N and other companies "may be the beginning of a service to match Amazon more broadly," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group It's All About the Search...

Navdy May Drive Into the Sunset

Good HUDs aren't cheap, so the Navdy's pricing is not out of line, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. However, these devices "have not sold well historically." Further, owners of high-end cars, who are the target market, "like something to...

Apple’s Big Blue Dilemma

On the other hand, current CEO Tim Cook is "more of an enterprise guy" than Jobs was, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "There is a tendency to change the company to match your skillset if you're a CEO, and not the other way around."

Federal Judge Unswayed by Microsoft’s Objections to Data Demands

U.S. exporters of high-tech services are reeling from revelations about the National Security Agency's surveillance activities, and this ruling "could see the center of cloud services technology shifting from the U.S. to Europe or Asia if those countries don't implement extraterritorial data gathering," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group.


When It Comes to Technology, Humans Are Idiots

There are a lot of things going on at the moment. Israel is tactically defending itself against Hamas -- winning the battles but losing the war, because the Israeli government can't see the big picture. The U.S. is still blaming Snowden for leaks, even though Russia clearly is able to pull damaging information pretty much anytime it wants without Snowden's help -- and this is nothing new. ...

Tor Has Been Breached – What Now?

On the other hand, disclosure of the attack would have worked against the interests of law enforcement and the NSA, Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Announcing the breach "leads to people putting resources into monitoring this kind of a...

Facebook Staring at Fresh Privacy Class Action

If the suit is successful, it could put Facebook out of business, Rob Enderle, principal at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times "This action wouldn't limit similar actions in other jurisdictions, and the monetary damages potentially could bankrupt a number of companie...

Google Hangouts Get Down to Business

Google is heading in a smart direction, and it has put out a relatively competitive product, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group. Businesses using Google Apps for Business services now have much less incentive to switch to a competitor "It seemed only natural ...

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