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Results 1401-1420 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

The Next Generation of In-Car Entertainment

Over the next several months, we will see a massive step forward in the systems we use in our cars to connect to our phones, listen to music and watch videos. As I write this, the new Kenwood Excelon DNN991HD is being installed in my project car, and it promises pretty much everything but the kitchen sink. In August, Jaguar will start supplying a new AV system provided by Intel and compliant with Apple's CarPlay system. This is on top of the driving improvements, which will include laser lighting, lights that make rain and snow almost invisible, and improvements in automated driving up to and including self-driving cars. ...

Computer Sim Shows Cosmic Evolution Over Billions and Billions of Years

The simulation "is part of the process of understanding the universe," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Its accuracy "is important for discovering dark matter and preparation for sending out manned space probes." ...

John McAfee Makes Dubious Tech Comeback With Chadder Privacy App

John McAfee effectively has been out of the technology market for two decades, "and this is a market that cycles as often as twice a year in some segments," noted Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group. Five years is a lifetime. "It is impossible for anyone to exit this industry d...


Microsoft vs. Google: Chasing Butts While Running From Risks

Google and Microsoft are positioned against each other as primary competitors, and that could mean trouble. I remember past dynamics similar to theirs that didn't end well for either company. Apple focused on IBM (the 1984 ad) and didn't see Microsoft coming. Microsoft focused on AOL and didn't see the Internet coming. Intel focused on AMD so much it missed both Transmeta and ARM. Microsoft and Apple focused on each other, and both were blindsided by Google. Now Microsoft and Google are focusing on each other, which likely will lead both to ignore the risk that Amazon represents, until it's too late. ...

Snapchat Adds New Features to Keep Users From Disappearing

"They're finally putting the chat in Snapchat," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld A Road More Traveled...

Praying Mantises Sport the World’s Smallest 3D Glasses

"This is very likely, because it would speed processing significantly," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld If that is the case, it could provide another option for equipping robots to view 3D, and allow them to get their job done sooner, he...

Microsoft’s Makeover: Nadella Confirmed, Ballmer Vindicated

Last week, Microsoft delivered its quarterly report, and it was a big deal. It was CEO Satya Nadella's first real quarter and the Nokia merger was completed. ...

Google+ Daddy Vic Gundotra Bails

"This looks like he got pissed or got fired, and they're making it look like he quit," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "If this were a more reasonable departure, you'd have at least 30 days to clean house." Contrast Gundotra's de...

Verizon Dabbles in Security Reporting

"This is a non-security company issuing a security report, and the McAfees of the world are scratching their heads over it," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "There are 80 billion ways to attack a system and they've found nine ways."


Transcendence and Analytics: What If the End of Mankind as We Know It Were a Good Thing?

I saw the movie Transcendence last week, and it was an impressive telling of what might happen were we to achieve singularity. Given this is likely where AI research is taking us and that analytics is a major component to getting there, I not only recommend the movie as entertainment but also as a means to wrapping your head around what we must correct before we take that next big step. The problem resides in us. ...

NASA and Google Do the Tango

"In a shielded environment, the devices should work better than here on Earth," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Not having gravity is a benefit with electronics, particularly if you want to move them in all three dimensions," he conti...

Next iOS May Add Shazam Music Discovery

"You figure they would have done this a long time ago since this a natural way to connect music you're listening to to a song you might want to buy," said Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group "Placing this in the OS as a core feature is something...

Americans Find Future Tech Both Fascinating and Frightening

However, what the results show is that "we really have no idea what is coming and that there is a significant number of people that will resist the changes if they violate their privacy or religious beliefs," contended Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group -- or if they believe the changes will make them obsolete...

Drone Wars: Google Snatches Titan From Facebook’s Grasp

It was natural for Facebook -- a company that is hoping to expand its service and offer more people worldwide the chance to connect socially -- to want Titan on its side, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. However, the logistical, technological and pol...


Why Is It So Hard to Think Different?

I've been having an interesting week -- first, with AMD, which has returned to profitability and stopped chasing Intel's butt to do some rather interesting different things, like merging x86 and ARM technologies. Then, with IBM which also realized that chasing Intel wasn't doing it any good. It chose an even more unusual path for its processors, making them "open."

Amazon to Investors: The Sky’s the Limit

"They are going broad. It wouldn't surprise me to see them selling cars, trucks, and even some common industrial equipment in the future. They might even partner with Tesla to do it, since they'll need product and Tesla needs to expand more rapidly," suggested Rob Enderle, principal at the Enderle Group.

Comcast Argues TWC Merger Would Level Playing Field

"When a company like Comcast gets too big, it becomes difficult for emerging services like Amazon and Netflix to break through," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "On the other hand, if Comcast didn't merge with TWC, it might not survive."


The Earth Is Moving Under the Smartphone Market

One thing that Apple made clear when it took the smartphone market by storm and away from then-dominant players Palm, BlackBerry and Microsoft is that to win you need to make big bets and change the battle. The market is now dominated by Apple and Google technology -- much of which Google doesn't control -- and Microsoft just swapped CEOs because the old CEO couldn't pull the needed rabbit out of his hat. ...

Yahoo Issues Security Sitrep

"This is actually pretty fast for a company of Yahoo's size," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "They had to find the right person and likely went through a lengthy process." Hiring Stamos "was a great move," SilverSky's Jaquith told Tech...

Google+ Changes Rules of Engagement

"Those page views could create a competition between users to drive people to their Google+ pages as opposed to their Facebook or Twitter locations," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Google+, which was launched in 2011, has ...

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