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Results 1501-1520 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

What’s Missing in the iPad Air

Apple fans generally have a cow when I write about things left out of an Apple product, because to them, anything Apple brings out is perfect and to suggest otherwise is heretical. Given that I think fanboys give up their intellectual freedom to the vendor or product they religiously follow, I tend to wear the Apple Heretic badge with honor -- and thus I'm going to point out the technologies the Microsoft Surface 2 and Nokia 2520 products have that the new iPad Air lacks.

The Unhealthy State of

"It appears they wanted to spread the contract around, and there were too many subcontractors and management was inadequate," Rob Enderle, principal analyst, Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "They needed one contractor of scale to execute this," he continued. "It looks like i...

Powerful Nokia Tablet Focuses on Photo Skills

"It's designed for people who like to take photos on their smartphones and edit them on tablets," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "That's probably the segment that will be most interested in the 2520 and it's not the biggest segment -- b...

Microsoft Steps on the Glass Gas

"Microsoft had the SPOT watch, which was a connected device using FM sideband that, like a lot of efforts at the time, was underfunded and died out," noted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "It is clear we are moving towards wearable technology, and Microsoft has a ton of IP in this area. They clearly don't want to miss the wave if it turns out to be real, and thus are exploring the technology to assure they won't be left behind."

With Pogue Hire, Yahoo May Be Putting Content Horse Before Ad Cart

"Mayer doesn't know advertising. She is an engineer, so she thinks of things in very physical terms," Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times Mayer may be equating more and better content with more revenue, "but advertising often doesn'...


Demo Fall 2013: Little Slices of Amazing New Technology

Demo's fall conference took place last week, and it didn't disappoint. This show has proven to be both a great and an expensive experience for me every year. Great because the technology shown is often truly amazing; expensive because I almost always end up buying one or two items, and my taste trends toward pricey. This year was no different, and my product of the week is the product I'd most like to personally own. ...

HTC One’s Big Brother Shows Up

"At this size, it appears they're breaking into the phablet market," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "They need to do something -- their sales have been really soft." HTC recently posted its first-ever quarterly financial loss.

Facebook to Set Up Shop in Israel’s Tech Hub

It is a given that most social media companies could benefit from advanced mobile analytics, and that is especially true of Facebook, which is relying heavily on mobile advertising, Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group, told The E-Commerce Times. "Companies need [Face...


The Technology Wave You Never Saw Coming

Here in Silicon Valley we are currently worried about a major transportation strike, and I doubt many on either side yet realize that this is likely to accelerate the move to automate most of the related jobs. There is little doubt the problem we are currently seeing here will be virtually gone in a decade, but I doubt the workers will be very happy with the solution.

Google Maps Learns to Multitask

Google's incremental additions are also "just the nature of their approach," opined Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They decided to keep the product simple at first and assure it worked, then added features. "Given the Apple issues with mapping, this app...

Disney Tech Makes Touchscreens Touchy-Feely

"Basically, the friction on the screen is changed depending on what is being presented," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld The perception of a 3D bump is created when local gradients of the virtual bump are mapped to lateral friction force...

HP Seeks Chromebook Sweet Spot With $279 Device

For HP, a partner in this particular initiative, that is a particularly important driver. HP is clearly making a play for the low-cost PC market with this new entry, Rob Enderle, principal of The Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "HP is trying to do with Chromebook what IBM di...

Google’s Nexus 5 Revealed in Leaked Manual

"This looks real," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "I have a hard time believing anyone would go to this kind of trouble to play a hoax on LG." However, there may be "some inaccuracies" in the document because it's likely an early draf...


The ‘Catastrophic’ Tesla S Fire: A Perspective

A Tesla S caught fire last week. I have a lot of experience with cars, with lithium-ion batteries -- and with both cars and batteries catching fire. For a time, I was the lead battery analyst in the U.S., and my house nearly burned down when a lithium-ion battery pack decided to fail while charging. (Thank goodness I'd also been trained to fight fires). ...

Mutiny at Microsoft Over Gates’ Future Role

Even if the shareholders truly want to push for major change at Microsoft, though, they are going about it the wrong way, according to Rob Enderle, principal of The Enderle Group "The problem with this move is it may actually make things worse," Enderle told the E-Commerce Tim...

AOL Winds Up for Gathr Marketing Blitz

However, AOL is bundling services that are not unique to it and are tied to agreements that expire, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times "If this works, which is doubtful, the folks they are bundling could easily separate and form th...

Roadblocks Stymie GTA’s Online Launch

"They should offer gifts to make it right with their users," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "This will happen more and more until more folks use analytics to better estimate first day usage or limit first day usage so the loads are more spread out."


BlackBerry and Surface 2: The Fight to Reclaim Past Glory

Both BlackBerry and Microsoft have been in far stronger positions with regard to personal technology. At one time, Microsoft was contending for leadership in smartphones against Palm and BlackBerry, and BlackBerry took leadership only to lose it to Apple and then Samsung. Microsoft put tablets on the map in the early part of last decade, but it missed a memo and Apple refined them to success -- pointing out that beauty, price and battery life rule in something you hold. ...

Amazon’s Fire HDX Could Torch the Competition

"Amazon is really making a push here," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times "A number of the key players there are ex-Microsoft and have something to prove," he said, "so they are really pushing the envelope. I expect this platform w...

RealNetworks Banks on Cloud for Video-Sharing Comeback

"Think of this as a way to hold customers in the service and hold out expanding competitors," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "A cloud offering tends to work the same on every platform, and if you are a RealPlayer customer, you will be more likely to stay a RealPlayer customer as a result."

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