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Results 1601-1620 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

IBM Suits Up Watson to Tackle Thorny Customer Service Problems

"Watson can provide a set of solutions much more quickly than other systems, and a relatively low level of training would be needed for the [customer service representative] answering a call," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "If this were done on-line, Watson could also make suggestions about how to reword the query better and, through interaction, get the answer through iteration. This might be far more satisfying than the non-answer you might otherwise get."

Microsoft Packs Xbox One With Home Entertainment Power

The Xbox One offers "some solid improvements and an impressive industrial design," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group It features built-in Kinect functionality, including the ability to monitor the user's heartbeat while working out. The build-in 1080p ca...


Will BlackBerry, Nokia or Amazon Replace Apple or Google?

Apple and Google are currently at the top of the mobile device heap, but both companies are vulnerable at the moment. Apple has lost its iconic CEO and appears to be chasing Samsung, and you can't lead by following. Samsung is the dominant player on Android, but Google and Samsung are having relationship problems at the moment. Both have been quietly expressing dissatisfaction with the other...

Google+ Photos Get the Pinterest Touch

Google is going about things the wrong way, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Social is not a battle about features or the technology," Enderle told TechNewsWorld. "People go where their friends are, they don't go to clubs to enjoy the LED lights."

iOS Loses Market Share as Windows Phone Gains

"Folks upgraded their phones aggressively, but new customers fell off in favor of other brands," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Further, because Apple is now available at multiple outlets, including Wal-Mart, it has "lost its exclusivity advantage a...

Google and NASA Aim to Give AI a Quantum Leap

"When we combine quantum computing with artificial intelligence, we tend to get something like an ultrafast Watson -- that is, the ability to analyze information at an incredible rate and identify patterns, but not make the intuitive leaps that we normally equate with real intelligence," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group...

Cisco’s Data Center Sales Spark Q1 Earnings

Growth in those transitional areas may be slow and steady, as Chambers put it. However, the company is proving that its shrewd partnerships are paying off, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group "Overall, Cisco is far more focused than they were, and their partne...

New Google APIs Target Play and Games

Google's focusing heavily on games because "with Nvidia's Shield, also based on Android, pushing the limits here, I think Google sees this as a massive opportunity to differentiate against Apple," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Google's...

Microsoft Plans Meek Summer Update to WP8

In hindsight, Microsoft's smartphone strategy appears to have been flawed. "When they went to Windows Phone 7, they went full consumer and abandoned their business efforts," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "I think we'll find that that was a mistake."

BlackBerry’s Bold Moves on Display at Conference

"BBM is for BlackBerry what iTunes is for Apple, being enough better -- faster and more secure -- than other alternatives that it could spread like iTunes did, and so could bring others into BlackBerry's family of users," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group...

Amazon Mints Coins and Makes Deposits in All Kindle Fires

"It allows people to purchase and contain expenditures to a large extent," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "You're encouraged to buy a bunch of it. You're basically giving Amazon your money and assuring you will only use it on Amazon. It ensures your future expenditures will happen at Amazon."


Joe Tucci’s Magic Turnaround Formula

I've been focused on and off on turnarounds since I covered IBM's from the inside out in the 1990s, so I don't know how I missed this, but EMC2's turnaround was clearly a success, and its unique resulting organizational structure is incredibly subtle. ...

Trulia Rolls Out Welcome Mat for Real Estate Pros

"It clearly gives them a positional advantage," Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group, told CRM Buyer. "It makes them a one-stop shop, having that type of breadth. It should make them strategically quite a bit stronger." Trulia, Market Leader, Zillow and other ...

Lumia 928 Steps Out of the Shadows

"I'm a Lumia 920 user myself, and I love the camera," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "It is so much better than my wife's iPhone -- and rubbing that in gives me no end of pleasure," he quipped....

Vaio Fit May Be the Laptop Windows 8 Has Been Looking For

"The Sony Fit is one of the first of a new wave of Windows 8 Touch laptops at price points that the market is ready to accept," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "At launch there was a huge separation between high-quality products and the price people...

Los Alamos Surfs Its Own Quantum Internet for 2 Years

Messages on the Los Alamos network "are absolutely secure en route, but the hub is an attack point that can't be ignored," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group told TechNewsWorld Why We Should Love Quantum Communications...

HP Goes to Work With New ProBooks for SMBs

HP is "competing on price to regain their lost market share and restore their leadership," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They are trying to be the low-cost provider." HP did not respond to our request for further details....

Fitbit Flex Takes You by the Wrist

"It doesn't monitor heart rate, which is a shame, but you really need something with a display you can see for that anyway," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Now that smartwatches are on the horizon, are devices such as the Flex too limit...


How HP Could Become the Next Apple

I was given a task the other day, and this happens every once in a while, to imagine a sequence of events that would turn HP from an industry problem to an industry leader in Apple's class. Apple went from being in far worse shape than HP's in now to become more valuable at its peak than even oil companies, so this isn't an impossible goal. ...

Years Inside Intel Could Be New CEO’s Biggest Handicap

James has a stellar background, thanks to her acquisition management experience, said Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group. "She will likely accelerate the move to integrating security features into Intel's products, which could be the only thing that may offset the...

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