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Results 1641-1660 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Michael Dell Goes Into Safe Mode

"By cashing out, he'd take the value of the stock down sharply and damage Blackstone and the investors that remained significantly," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "By doing this, he assures that the Blackstone move can't work without him." This co...


What the iWatch Could Be if Apple Still Had Guts

Steve Jobs was a guy who took big risks. The iPod was a big risk. The iPhone was even bigger, given that the market was dominated by companies like Nokia and BlackBerry, which had locked up the carriers in many regions. The iPad was riskier still, given what a failure the Windows tablet had been. ...

Facebook’s Android-Themed Event Invite Redials Phone Chatter

If Facebook is actually working on a smartphone, the device would have "a heavy focus on social integration, improved notifications and updates, automatic location sharing, proximity alerts for friends, and aggressive alerting for a variety of events, including those driven by vendors," Rob Enderle, prinicipal with the Enderle Group told TechNewsWorld. However, "I'm expecting more of a collaboration and custom apps than a Facebook-driven phone."

Gamers Get Hardcore on Razer’s Edge

"This is what a gaming Windows 8 experience should be," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Windows 8 is a blend of PC and tablet technologies, yet you typically get it in a light tablet that lacks Windows performance, or a desktop or laptop PC that has...

Facebook Rallies Devs With Social Gaming Stats

"As the market leader in social, it makes a great deal of sense for [Facebook] to embrace gaming so that this doesn't become a threat to their dominance," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Gaming could deliver what many of Facebook's other ventures have ...

Mercedes-Benz Goes Electric With New B-Class Sedan

Another reason could be that electric cars are pricier than standard models. The price of B-Class Electric Drive vehicles "will likely put them well into the luxury class in terms of cost with the limited U.S. incentives, and people have issues paying a luxury price and getting a basic vehicle," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group...

T-Mobile Finally Gets Some Respect

The introduction of a no-contract mobile phone model is an interesting twist, but it is unlikely to result in a rush of new customers for T-Mobile -- the iPhone notwithstanding, said Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group. "What it will do, though, is slow the departure...

Nothing but Windows Blue Skies From Now On?

"Overall, Microsoft is again focusing sharply on ease of use, which is what made Windows 95 so different and so much better than the prior versions," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It feels like the company is getting its mojo back." ...

BioShock Infinite Goes Way Past 11

"BioShock Infinite is incredibly well thought through," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Were it a movie, it would be up for and likely win Oscars in a variety of categories. It appeals to two audiences -- one that likes a challenging game with puzz...


The Fall of Apple and the Return of BlackBerry

We tend to be slow to see change. If a company is on top, like Apple was, it takes a lot for us to see itsfortunes have changed, as they clearly have post-Jobs. If a company is on the bottom, like BlackBerrywas, it may be even tougher to see it on the rebound. ...

Oracle’s Q3 Malaise Could Be Contagious

"This shouldn't have been a surprise," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group. "With hardware now a major part of their portfolio, their old hardware partners are looking for ways to distance themselves from the company," he pointed out.

Nvidia Delivers Workstation Graphics Experience to the Network

"This is a system supporting eight high-performance graphics cards and providing service for up to 16 simultaneous graphics sessions," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. It is "ideal for collaborative projects, or projects that people want to access wh...

FCC Buckles on Cybersecurity

The ISPs "don't want the government dictating what they do," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "With the best of intentions, governments often require methods that are both expensive and relatively ineffective, and network managers, who are already overworked and under-resourced, expect that the government will simply make things worse."


RIP Android: Google Loses Its Steve Jobs

Andy Rubin was Google's Steve Jobs, and with him now booted off the Android product, that platform in its current form will pass. It is kind of funny to see the spin on this, which suggests this was Andy's decision. Yeah right, and I'll be buying that bridge in Brooklyn shortly. ...

Nintendo Caught in Winter Doldrums

"They continue to have the best titles, and they are not yet playing up their next-generation product like Sony is," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Sony announced their offering but isn't selling it yet, and that typically will stall the product in market." ...

Cool Million Gets BlackBerry’s Juices Flowing

There is little doubt of BlackBerry's security bona fides, Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "BlackBerry has the only volume platform designed from the ground up to be secure," he said. "There are a lot of companies and government agen...

Twitter May Rock the Music Scene

Twitter's move indicates that "discovery is beginning to eclipse access as a differentiating feature," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group How Not to Be the Next MySpace...

Yahoo Could Take Zynga Under Its Wing

"Yahoo is all about content and engagement," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Games cover both bases, and people that are playing games stick with the site and can consume in-game. It is consistent with their content-centric strategy." Yahoo and Zy...

Automatic Link Kicks Your Car’s Brain Into High Gear

"The key here is the app that translates what the reader is seeing into something a regular driver could use in real time," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "I have one I bought off Amazon, but it works like a regular reader and doesn't provide real time information."

Philips Wants Devs’ Bright Ideas for Its Web-Connected Light Bulbs

"If you already have a ZigBee wireless solution the lights should work with that, although you'll likely have limited functions unless that existing application has Hue features," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld About the Hue Bulbs...

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