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Results 1661-1680 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

The Employee Heroes at HP: Making an Impossible Turnaround

It is very difficult to pull off a turnaround. This is because you typically start with a company that isunprofitable and lacking the resources to compete. You have employees who are still on the job only because they haven't been able to find another one, and you're selling products that few want to buy. ...

HTC May Be Taking Another Swipe at a Facebook Phone

HTC may be looking to stand out from the smartphone pack by manufacturing a branded Facebook phone, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "HTC is in trouble, they haven't had one really breakout phone from the standpoint of sales in a while, and they need so...

Swamped Servers Barricade SimCity From Players

"Piracy has been a massive drain on the industry, and companies have been blaming it and game resale on their falling sales performance," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "As a result, they are aggressively attempting to correct the problem through streaming and pervasive connections which destroy game play in places where networks aren't always available or free, like planes."

Verizon May Pay Dearly for Full Control of Its Precious

It's no surprise that both Vodafone and Verizon would want to explore options for changing their relationship, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group. While global partnerships might look good on paper, there is often too much going on beneath the surface for the relationships to be truly mutually beneficial...

Microsoft Tweaks Kinect to Add More Gesture Recognition

Enhanced gesture technology "allows the computer to see in 3D real time, and we are just scraping the surface of what that will allow," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. The most obvious use for such technology is in robotics, he added Ho...

Microsoft Picks Up Tab for $732M Mistake

"The amount of this fine means the EU believes that Microsoft's excuse is viable but that the firm was still responsible for compliance," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "The amount is to assure they don't make the mistake again but reflects that they believe Microsoft didn't intentionally do this."


IBM: Giving Open a Smarter Strategic Advantage

IBM just announced SmartCloud Orchestrator -- a massive open source initiative designed to help companies better balance public and private cloud resources and even switch vendors. This is in sharpcontrast to the lock-in strategy that IBM used to found the technology segment -- largely because IBM learned the hard way that lock-in, while tactically sound, is strategically stupid.

Hackathon’s Goal: A Smartphone Game That Scores Points for Cancer Research

"They're attempting to build a massive game that will put the collective minds of thousands on this problem," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It's a very interesting idea, but I expect they will run into some serious challenges in making it happen with regard to how they parse the data and apply the collective results."

Mason Marches, Groupon Regroups

All in all, it was a class act, Rob Enderle, principal with the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Mason has set the bar of leaving a company elegantly and gracefully very high now. That was incredibly well done." His forced departure is not surprising at all, said End...

Despite Security Issues, Pentagon Clears Android, iOS for Duty

The move isn't just a win for iOS and Android; it could be seen as one more area where BlackBerry's ailing marketshare is going to take more flak, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group "This was almost their exclusive playground," he told TechNewsWorld. "Opening...

HP Revives Its Tablet Strategy With a New Slate

"They're chasing the low price point, so, if you want a 7-inch tablet, they'll have the cheapest in the market," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "It's a way to get volume and maybe to get a seat at the table, because right now none of the PC makers is doing well with tablets."


Week of Weird: Sony Jumps the Gun, Google Luxury-Prices Its Yugo

This really has been an entire month of the strange. We had Boeing's Dreamliner sidelined for a problem that used to give laptop makers heartburn -- batteries that catch fire. We had Tesla proposing a test to The New York Times that would make its new Tesla S look bad -- and when it did, we had Tesla's CEO screaming foul on Twitter. ...

Sony’s PS4 Launch: Too Little Too Soon?

"It will have enough power to do so," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group. "They'll just need to create a VM or emulator that will accept the games, and it would be a no-brainer to do that in order to sell more consoles." It is unlikely that Sony will ...

Google Propels Chromebook Pixel Into a Blurry Future

Offering the Chromebook Pixel at a price higher than $1,000 "is like saying a netbook doesn't sell well at $200, so let's try $1,500," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group said. "Even the premium-priced MacBook Air is cheaper." Google did not respond to our requ...

Google Provides a Clearer View of Glass

Google' s plan is to get the product in the hands of early adopters and build a test audience. "There are groups of folks who love to be the first to have something, like to brag about it, and become advocates," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group told TechNewsWorld. "They have people paying to be beta testers." ...

Microsoft Shoots for New Users by Targeting Less

In general, if you like Outlook, you will like, Rob Enderle, principal with the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWord. "It is very similar in terms of the layout and the approach." Hanging Onto Hotmail Users...


Killing Tesla Slowly: Horse vs. Gas vs. Electric and 1 Foolish CEO

I watched in horror last week as Tesla's CEO Elon Musk attempted to turn a New York Times reporter into the next Ralph Nader and kill his company. It brought back memories of the ChevroletCorvair that died as a result of GM's decision to fight what turned out to be false allegations instead ofjust making the car better. ...

Microsoft Lets Skypers Leave Face Mail

"It is like video phone mail, but I can't picture anyone who would want to use it," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "The business use isn't there, but it could be something for kids who want to leave messages for parents or a modification of a grandm...

Musk Zaps NYT Over Tesla Model S Review

"Sending people on long drives in electric vehicles is just begging for problems, because they just aren't optimized for that kind of driving," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Elon Comes Out Swinging...

Sonos Raises the Soundbar Bar

"The products create their own isolated grid network, allowing you to put any sound source into any room or into all rooms at once -- party mode -- using either a dedicated wireless remote or your Apple or Android phone," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group...

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