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Results 1701-1720 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Why CES Will Suck This Year

I think CES is the worst show in the technology market. That's not because it is badly run -- on thecontrary, it is one of the better-run shows. Nor is it because there aren't any interesting and compellingproducts there. No, it is because we all just blew out our budgets buying crap, and CES is a showcase of why we should have waited for the improved crap that will be in the market shortly...


10 Things I Hate About CES (but I’m Going Anyway)

"It comes way too early in the year for a fall show -- those lines won't be ready till May or June -- and too soon after the New Year's holidays for folks to be able to fully prepare for it," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. No. 3: The News Is Alread...

Microsoft May Get Home Advantage

"Microsoft is clearly serious about their TV efforts with the Xbox platform," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "We are moving to a new TV model, and Microsoft has been talking about integrating this screen into the Microsoft suite of solutions since ...

Asus Takes Giant Leap Into Gesture Tech

"This is an easy and relatively inexpensive way to add touch-like features to a product," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "This is particularly useful because there's such a huge shortage of touchscreens at the moment and those screens can add several hundred dollars to the purchase price [of a device]."


A Few of My Favorite 2012 Things

As I look back on 2012, a number of products stand out as memorable. I figured I'd use my last column of the year to take a moment to recall each one and what made it special. ...

China Tightens Its Grip on Internet Users

"This is just another indication that they really want to control what information gets to their citizens," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "From the standpoint of overall impact, it means that all communication going in and out of China are going to be more closely monitored."

CRM Product Profiles: The Year in Review

"Users want to know what is going on with the customer, and analytics is the best way to deliver that knowledge," Rob Enderle, principal analyst with the Enderle Group, told CRM Buyer One example is The List, a company we profiled in July. It offers lead generation software fo...


NRA vs. Gun Control: A Process Argument

At the core of any major political argument like gun control or abortion is power. If you believe in Argumentative Theory, these battles are less about actually doing the right thing and more about one side or the other gaining social status. ...

Google Unloads Motorola Set-Top Business

"This was a zero margin business that Google had no interest in," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They just wanted the IP from Motorola for phones. Google has no desire to build a TV, and I don't blame them -- it is a horrid market to enter." This s...

FCC Gives AT&T Thumbs-Up to Buy LTE Spectrum

Such a network "typically takes two to five years after approval to roll out, but there's a lot of pressure to make this happen fast, so it should fall closer to the beginning of this range," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group Some observers have exp...

Samsung Shows Signs of Softening in Smartphone Tug of War

"With Apple stock dropping and judges finding against both Samsung and Apple, both companies are starting to look like they can find a negotiated way out of this mess," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "In any case, it seemed unlikely Samsung was going to be successful in the efforts they dropped, and they realized that a string of losses would create an image problem." ...

Judge Boxes Ears of Both Parties in Apple-Samsung Lawsuit

Apple "would have likely used [the permanent injunction] as a way to set a precedent and go after products that are more current," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times Losing its bid for the injunction would not have a great influence...


The World Needs More Magical Thinking

Dell World 2012 was fascinating this year for a number of reasons. First, Bill Clinton was the big keynote and he didn't disappoint. I think he took an interesting Libertarian view on how the U.S. government could fix the financial problem. Unfortunately, he implied that the first step would be to get rid of the politicians whose zero-sum game was pretty much assuring a really bad outcome.

Video Game Market Sees Pallid November

"Right now console games and PC games are competing with an awful lot of other things that are eating up kids' discretionary money," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "The money that would typically go for games is being pulled in so many directions that there's a smaller pool for games." ...


Samsung vs. Apple: Why Samsung Wins a Pyrrhic Victory

Last week was defined largely by two interesting stories. One had Apple bringing some manufacturingback to the U.S.(some interesting thoughts on this here),and the other revolved around the outcome of the latest trialbetween Apple and Samsung. ...

Akamai to Bring Smoother Video, App Performance to AT&T Network

That kind of consolidation is only likely to continue, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group. "I think telecom is coming to the conclusion that they need some connection to content, now that the content owners are starting to look at ways to get to the user dir...

Akamai to Bring Smoother Video, App Performance to AT&T Network

That kind of consolidation is only likely to continue, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group. "I think telecom is coming to the conclusion that they need some connection to content, now that the content owners are starting to look at ways to get to the user dir...

Facebook Messenger May Help SMS, Not Kill It

There's another irony in Facebook trying to expand into application-based messaging, according to Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Social media has displaced messenger apps," he told TechNewsWorld One of the reasons for that is interoperability, he added.

Swiss IT Guy Goes Rogue With US, UK Intelligence Data

"The lead-in to this story suggests an employee at NDB that was warning that the data wasn't being adequately protected decided to make his point in a career-ending fashion," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Given the lack of protective controls -- which allowed him to download and exit the building -- it is likely NDB heard of the theft from the employee and then overreacted."

Google Warns ITU to Give Public a Say in New Internet Rules

"With governments and politicians, you have to separate what they say from their intentions," "Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, remarked. "For instance, an effort to promote harmony might in fact be the government-sponsored assassination of opposition parties."

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