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Results 1721-1740 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

How Lenovo Is Resurrecting the PC

I spent much of last week hanging out with Lenovo. Although much of what we chat about in thosemeetings can't be repeated, one thing I can talk about is how Lenovo almost stands alone in defendingthe PC. While there seems to be a consensus that the PC is dead and being stomped into its grave bywave after wave of smartphones and tablets, Lenovo missed that meeting. In a market defined bydecline, it has demonstrated double digit growth...

Microsoft Bets on Surface Pro’s Business Bona Fides

"This is more of a laptop alternative than an iPad alternative," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, remarked. "It is targeted at the unhappy MacBook Air users that were disappointed in the iPad." Microsoft did not respond to our request for more details....

Samsung Leans on Suppliers to Fix Labor Issues

"Given the heat that Apple has received and Samsung working to be the anti-Apple, Samsung is stepping out to make sure factories building their components aren't mistreating workers," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They saw Apple get pilloried, and they have no desire to share that experience."


Innovation vs. Magic: Why Apple and Microsoft Need James Bond

After seeing the new Microsoft offerings, Steve Wozniak recently lamented that Microsoft is nowout innovating Apple. Wozniak is the surviving founder of Apple, and his perspective clearly isimportant, but he was the guy who got the product to work. It was the other Steve who was largely responsible for creating the entity that was Apple, and it was the other Steve that made it a huge success.

File-Sharing’s Cloudy Future

"This comes down to the privacy rights of individuals and companies, and the incredible investigative power the United States has since the Patriot Act," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "This doesn't address the fact that what is being done may be illegal, but it does make it far harder to get evidence without committing a crime to get it by the media industries."

Lytro Ups the Tinkering Quotient for Living Pictures

"It's a geeky product -- certainly far from mainstream," said tech analyst Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group. "[They need to] figure out how to provide a higher-resolution output and put the thing into a more pleasing form factor," he told TechNewsWorld.


What Mitt Romney Could Have Learned from EMC’s Joe Tucci

We've had a couple of weeks to think about the election outcome, and both sides are positioning the results around the issues. This has become so divisive that there is a significant move by Texas to exit the United States and become a country. ...

It’s Off to the Tablet Races for Amazon’s Big Kindle Fire

"What few know is that while the larger and more expensive Kindle didn't sell as well as the original size, the users were far more active and loyal," Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Keeping your most loyal users happy is a good strategy for any vendor."

Microsoft’s Sinofsky Episode: Reading Between the Lines

"What likely came about is that Sinofsky went to Bill Gates, and going over Steve Ballmer's head -- or any CEO's head -- to the chairman of the board is generally career limiting -- or eliminating," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Ballmer wants a t...

A Luke Skywalker-Type Arm’s Just the Start for Revolutionary Polymer

"This potentially goes well beyond medical use," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "In different forms, it could be used for anything from clothing to upholstery. Think of longer-lasting self repairing leather, depending on its wear patterns. Because i...

Speculation Sizzles Over Sinofsky’s Sudden Bolt

"The sudden nature of this suggests some kind of personal problem," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "Departures in the past that were this sudden had to do with affairs with employees coupled with improper expense approvals, theft, etc." Another line ...


Cloaking Device Produces True Invisibility

"Cloaks make it hard to target you or even know if you're there in the first place," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "Given other means of seeing, such as radar, cloaks are likely more practical for spying, being used in invisible drone ships, aircraft or land-based robots for instance."


The Magical Xbox Tablet

One of the most interesting rumors floating around last week was that Microsoft was working on a small form factor tablet that will be focused on gaming and branded Xbox. This could be a very interesting tablet, especially coupled with the initial success of the Surface tablet. ...

"Think of this technology as ultra-high latency and ultra-reliable," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst of the Enderle Group. "It is designed to function where no other networking technology could function. It uses a lot of prediction and redundancy to compensate for the pr...

Office on iOS, Android Could Spread MS’ Enterprise Roots

Android's fragmentation, and "how much [Microsoft] hates that platform" could have factored into Redmond's decision, said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. Further, Microsoft has an Apple-focused Office group and a well-defined relationship with Apple regarding Office...

AT&T to Plow More Billions Into Spectrum Hunt

"It isn't for a lack of trying but they are pretty bracketed in," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They're being as creative as they can be. The big difficulty is going to be finding spectrum they can use, but it isn't for lack of trying." Try Again...

AT&T to Plow More Billions Into Spectrum Hunt

"It isn't for a lack of trying but they are pretty bracketed in," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "They're being as creative as they can be. The big difficulty is going to be finding spectrum they can use, but it isn't for lack of trying." Try Again...

Microsoft to Kill the Messenger, Supplant It With Skype

"The end result is you get something that's more universal than what you had before and with quite more capability," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld IM On Decline...

Xbox Gamers May Get a New 7-Inch Playing Surface

"Given the popularity of the 7-inch product for reading and entertainment, it would seem to be an obvious move to make. I've heard the rumors, but nothing more solid," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, remarked "I was expecting Microsoft to move to the low e...


Apple, Microsoft and Google Play High-Stakes Musical Chairs

The last decade seemed to be about the decline of Microsoft, the dominance of Apple, and the emergence of Google. As we go into this decade, Microsoft seems to be trending up, Apple looks increasingly at risk, and Google looks more and more like the Microsoft of a decade ago. It is almost as if the companies have shuffled and changed chairs. ...

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