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Results 1761-1780 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

Larklife Wristband – a 24/7 Personal Trainer That Never Quits

"Absolutely, in our smartphones we have a variety of sensors that can be applied to use fitness metrics, and with the addition of a heart rate monitor, we can track so many factors -- that just wasn't possible a few years ago," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst for the Enderle Group. "It has allowed these companies to roll out a number of solutions so that you get a rudimentary personal trainer for the cost of the sensor. It could be a fitness revolution all over again." ...


HP and the Uncertain Science of Corporate Rebirth

The technology market is a graveyard of companies that had potential and lost their way either to fail or be gobbled up and lose their identity. Netscape, Novell, DEC/Digital, Palm, Transmeta, ATI, ROLM, Northern Telecom, and FLIP are all names of companies that have left us as independents or completely over time. Most of these firms were high fliers once, but all of them hit hard times, resulting in the disappearance of their brand and identity.


Sunday’s SpaceX Launch: High Stakes for Commercial Spaceflight

However, that might not be really commercially viable, Rob Enderle, principal analyst. The Enderle Group, said "The number of folks who will pay a ton of money for a short flight into space and experience the wonders of airsickness are likely not that big, making these flights...

Kindle Paperwhite Receives Glowing Reviews

E-readers "typically sucked in the dark, so the combination of a better screen with built-in lighting is what will likely make this attractive to existing e-book readers," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "I've got one on order." The scr...


The United States of Google

I was watching "The Daily Show" the other night and Jon Stewart walked through the failures of the Obama administration, concluding that anyone who did this badly couldn't be reelected if not for the Democrats' secret weapon. He then showed Mitt Romney as that secret weapon, along with a number of troubling clips that made a powerful point about the impressive number of mistakes Romney is making. It's so bad it reminded Stewart of the book Flowers for Algernon. ...

T-Mobile Sells Off Towers to Feed its 4G Needs

"T-Mobile has been working hard on deals like this to build up some cash and really rebuild on their own in the U.S. since the deal with AT&T didn't work out," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "They really need to expand their 4G LTE offerings, and this cash can help them do that." ...

EC Tightens Noose Over Microsoft’s Browser Choice Blunder

"If this were a decade ago, I'd say that Microsoft was gaming the system and betting the EU either wouldn't catch them or wouldn't do anything if they did," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group. "However, over the last decade the EU schooled them in a proc...

EU Cloud Strategy Ruffles US Industry Group’s Feathers

It makes sense for the EU to have its own standards because "these services contain assets of value for EU citizens and should fall under regulations agreed to by the representatives of those citizens," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...

Wall Street Blesses Google, Curses Facebook

Google's fundamentals are sound, which is soothing to investors, said Rob Enderle, principal with the Enderle Group. "Google continues to be supported by strong Internet ad revenue pushing revenues and profits higher." Piling on Facebook...


Microsoft’s Perfect Wave

Sometimes if you stand back a moment, which is what I have to do, you suddenly see broader trends, and what I'm seeing now is that the planets seem to be aligning for a Microsoft decade. However, I'm reminded that the difference between chance and luck is the difference between a hundred bucks landing in front of you unseen and your picking it up. ...

Baxter the Robot Works for $22k, No Bathroom Breaks Required

Baxter "lets you replace a human assembly line worker with a robot," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, said. "Robots are best for assembly line work because it's highly repetitive and boring." However, such work "calls for a certain amount of intelligence, w...

Cyberattack Warning Throws US Banks’ Security Into High Gear

FS-ISAC's warning is certainly credible, Rob Enderle, principal analyst, Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "Whenever Microsoft releases an out-of-band patch, it's serious," Enderle said. "The cost of issuing one of these is incredibly high and Microsoft doesn't do this lightly...

The Internet Association Starts Cracking the Whip

"I think this is a U.S. lobby and marketing group to keep the government from doing stupid stuff like SOPA and make sure privacy legislation doesn't wipe out these companies or force them to move out of the country," Rob Enderle, principal analyst, the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times...

Analysts Read Between the Lines of RIM, Microsoft Licensing Deal

"I think this assures Microsoft should someone -- read Google -- acquire RIM, they can't use RIM's patents against any of Microsoft's customers," said Rob Enderle, principal of the Enderle Group. The licensing agreement also signals that Microsoft is likely not vying to acqu...

Google Plants Snapseed in Its Garden

"Looking for Google to support anything Apple or Apple to support anything Google long term will lead to disappointment," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, said. "Neither company wants to work with the other now." It's "business as usual for now, but stay tu...


Mrs. Jobs’ Smartphone

Last week at Intel's Developer Forum, I was on a panel of folks -- led by renowned futurist Briand DavidJohnson -- who are trying to make sure future products are better at taking into account the people they aredesigned for ...

Helium-Filled Hard Drives Lift Performance

Helium-filled enclosures "cost more to make, and these costs have to be passed on to buyers to make this kind of effort financially viable," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld Such enclosures "will likely be considerably higher-priced" than...

Microsoft Sketches Out Holodeck-ish Tech in Patent App

"There are actually a number of people working on holographictechnology," said Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group "Like 3D, we'll likely find that it will be easier to create thetechnology than it will be to figure out how to use it in a way thatis both cost-e...

EarthLink, Clearwire Try for Joint Broadband Comeback

Taking on a customer that it already having a tough time attracting customers to a minor player in the broadband game but not necessarily be the answer to getting both companies back on track, said Rob Enderle, principal at the Enderle Group "Combining two organizations in tro...


How Amazon Stole the Tablet Market

As Apple demonstrated itself with the iPod and iPad, the way to take control of a market is to redefine itaround a model that favors your products. Last week, Amazon took a page from Steve Jobs' book, bothin how it presented the new Kindle line and in how this line shifts the market dynamic from one that favors Apple to one that favors Amazon. CEO Jeff Bezos even had a "one more thing" ending that Tim Cook will find it hard to top...

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