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Results 1941-1960 of 3483 for Rob Enderle

‘BrowserQuest’ Shows HTML5 Could Slay Flash

HTML5 will "eventually replace Flash in all roles, and that includes gaming," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. "All of the major browser makers appear to be favoring HTML5 as a replacement for Flash." For casual games, HTML5 will be the ...

LulzSec Rears Its Smirking Head in Military Dating Site Attack

The arrest of several people suspected to be members of Anonymous or LulzSec doesn't prove anything, Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld "Given LulzSec was an amorphous organization like Anonymous, assuming that all its members were arrested...


Meg Whitman vs. Tim Cook by the Numbers

Last week was an interesting week. Apple announced what appears to be a penis iron in the new iPad, and folks are burning through their monthly 4G data plans in a few hours. Tim's having his first Antennagate moment, and Steve Jobs he isn't. ...

Birdman Takes to the Sky on a Wing and a Wii

"Putting wings on a human has been a dream going all the way back to Icarus," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, remarked. "This is the closest we've come to winged flight." Smeets' flight "was probably closer to the way pterodactyls flew than birds do," Ende...


Windows 8 and the Perception Game

Windows 8 is likely the most ambitious UI project for Microsoft since Microsoft Bob, and we all know how that ended up. What was kind of sad about Microsoft Bob was that for what it was intended to do, it was both cutting-edge and very successful. However, because it was positioned as the follow-on to Windows, the bar was set too high and the product failed spectacularly. ...

Will CNN and Mashable Mesh?

CNN has been looking to match CBS' acquisition of Cnet for at least three years, said Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group, but network officials were unable to reach an agreement on a property until now. "They want something that is more social, more trendy, and has a bit of tec...


Apple Forgets Steve Jobs and Announces a Non-Magical iPad

Over the years, I've watched company after company lose its invaluable edge because executives critical to its success moved on, or died, and didn't pass on critical skills. Only IBM really made a massive effort not to screw this up, and even it eventually forgot, forcing a massive reset -- which almost caused it to fail -- in the late 1980s and early 1990s. ...

Facebook Needles Twitter, Pinterest, With New Interest Lists

"Pinterest is being positioned as the next Facebook, and this appears to be a competitive response to that service," Rob Enderle of the Enderle Group told TechNewsWorld. "So I think Pinterest is at greater risk than Twitter, which is more about the moment." Cultivating the U...

Google Play Tears Page From Apple Playbook

While Google Play smacks of iTunes, that's not necessarily a bad thing, according to Rob Enderle,president and principal analyst of the Enderle Group. "Lots of times Apple has the best practices, so you're not going to improve on it," he told the E-Commerce Times....


OMG, Apple and Microsoft Have Traded Places

If you think about it, Apple and Microsoft have kind of switched places with their recent operating system refreshes. Microsoft, which is dominant with PCs but anything but on tablets and smartphones, is leveraging its smartphone platform heavily to create a new PC product. Apple, which is a small player with PCs but massively dominant with smartphones and tablets, is keeping the two technologies at arm's length. Microsoft's latest OS is a smartphone-like product, although it is weakest with smartphones. Apple's is a PC-like product, although it is weakest in that space. ...

Microsoft Opens Windows 8 Sneak Preview to the Masses

Windows 8 "gives consumers a chance to have a no-compromise tablet experience," suggested Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group The tablets available now "tend to be very light on productivity tools, and there isn't a really good office app for either Android or ...

Twitter Flitters Further Into Mobile Advertising

"They need to be monetizing every user, whether they're accessing the site from a mobile device or a computer," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at Enderle Group told the E-Commerce Times. "It's critical because without the money from ads they can't expand their services." As mo...

Yahoo Stares Down Facebook Over Website Patents

This "is the best timing if you're going to try to make a play like this, and Yahoo needs cash and time to execute a turnaround," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, said. "The odds won't get better than this for winning." What Patents, Exactly?...

WikiLeaks Splays Stratfor Wide Open

"Like a lot of analyst firms, [Stratfor] specializes in looking for trends and providing advice based on analysis," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld George Friedman, founder and CEO of Stratfor, is a political scientist whose books includ...


‘Act of Valor’ and Google Glasses: The Future of Movies and Reality TV

This weekend,"Act of Valor" opened, but this isn't a review of this Navy Seals-based action movie. Instead, I'll focus on the incredibly low budget of US$13 million for a film with massive amounts of live action and the feel of a war movie. Movies like this can easily cost 10x to 50x as much. An amazing combination of technology from Adobe, Canon, HP and Nvidia made this thing possible, and much of this technology is available to you. In fact, the movie was created mostly with tools you could have in your home.

Mozilla Stocks the Shelves for an App Store Grand Opening

"If [Mozilla] funds the app store well ... they might do well," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told LinuxInsider But "they're well behind Google and Apple in terms of coverage and audience and funds, and they won't get the number of apps and OEMs behind t...

Microsoft Calls Google a Cookie Monster

Google "basically hacked IE differently than they hacked Safari, but the result is pretty much the same -- they overrode the browsers' capability to block cookies and prevent reporting," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld. Google "appears to be intentionally violating the privacy rights of users of third party products."


Cisco Chews Up the Scenery in the Interoperability Drama

Last week, Cisco raised an objection to the Microsoft acquisition of Skype, saying it would hurt video conferencing interoperability -- even though, in this space, you could argue Cisco is not the poster child for interoperability. Coincidently, I met with the CEO of LifeSize last Thursday, and he saw this Microsoft acquisition as a huge opportunity. LifeSize is the poster child for video-conferencing interoperability. ...

European Court Rejects Plea to Turn Social Nets Into Copyright Police

"Requiring service providers to enforce laws for services that cross state borders is onerous, and these services aren't really law enforcement agencies," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "This would be like requiring a car compa...

Random Public Crypto Keys Aren’t So Random

"Any duplication of keys represents a theoretical threat," Rob Enderle, principal analyst, Enderle Group, pointed out. However, "the authors did not demonstrate an actual breach, and ... it may still be easier for an attacker to use a brute force attack, since determining which keys were duplicated, let alone getting hold of the duplicates, might prove unacceptably difficult."

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