

LibreOffice: Meet the New Office, (Almost) Same as the Old Office

For some Linux adopters, exchanging Microsoft Office in Windows for the OpenOffice suite is a radical change in computing behavior. Swapping out OpenOffice for the LibreOffice suite may be a lot less traumatic. LibreOffice is a near clone of the OpenOffice modules. Yet it provides the potential for ...


3 IT Tools You Can’t Live Without

As the economy continues to improve, allowing us to feel a sense of hope that the worst is behind us, it's still critical for business owners to make sure they're making smart decisions about technology. After all, if the recession taught us anything, it's that we must be cognizant of cash flow, and...

WebM vs. H.264: Google Bets Big on Itself

Google announced Tuesday that its Chrome browser will stop supporting the H.264 codec in a couple of months and will support its own WebM and Ogg Theora technologies instead. The announcement set off a firestorm. Some contended the move is a step backward for openness; others speculated that it migh...

FOSS Hopes for Novell Patents Spark, Then Quickly Fade

CPTN, a consortium set up by Microsoft, Apple, Oracle and EMC to acquire hundreds of Novell patents, appears to have inadvertently faked out the open source community by withdrawing its proposal from the German Federal Cartel Office. News reports on Tuesday noted the event and alluded to possible su...


FBReader Has Encyclopedic Knowledge of E-Book Formats

The concept of reading literature -- except for technical documentation -- on a computer screen has come a long way in the last few years. No doubt the growing popularity of EBRs, or electronic-book readers such as the Amazon Kindle and the Barnes & Noble Nook are having a big impact on our read...


The Big Presentation: The Familiar, the Frustrating and the Flashy

One of my biggest concerns when I adopted the Linux OS over Microsoft Windows was Linux's ability to supply me with a robust presentation program. I did lots of lecturing and instructional seminars. Those activities required a product that closely mimicked Microsoft PowerPoint quality. The resulting...

The Tablet OS Wars: There Will Be Blood

In terms of tablet market share, Android tablets will be running a close second to the iPad within two years, according to Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster. While the iPad will have 44 percent of the market, Android tablets will have 39 percent, Munster reportedly predicted. More Android tablets w...


Primo PM Apps: Planner’s Solid, TaskJuggler Scales, KPlato Simplifies

Project management applications are a popular inroad for winning business converts to the Linux desktop. The software category provides some well-endowed tools to maximize business knowledge and techniques for project planning and progress monitoring. More than just a planning scheduler, project man...


3 Open Source Design Apps: The Pro, the Novice and the Trainee

The advantages of open source software really become evident when it comes to using design applications. This category of software is one that not everyone needs -- that is, unless you need software to help you create illustrations for Web design or print publication projects. The Linux OS has a bev...

Black Friday in the Linux Blogosphere

So Turkey Day has come and gone for another year here in the good old U-S-of-A, but what comes next might be even better -- at least from a geek's perspective. That's right, it's Black Friday once again, and the tech shopping deals are ripe for the picking. Who has time to worry about Novell, Attach...

The Android Potluck Buffet

Saying the Android platform is fast is an understatement. Within one short year, it's erupted from claiming a mere sliver of market share to taking second spot worldwide for smartphone sales by operating system, according to Gartner's figures. Android had 25.5 percent of the worldwide smartphone mar...


Linux Video Editing Apps: The Simple, the Slick and the Stumbly

It used to be that only hard-core film buffs carried video recording equipment on vacations. Unless your job required working with film, film editing software was not on most computer users' must-have list of tools. Maybe that is why until recently, few really useful film editing apps existed for th...

Open Source and the Federal Budget Squeeze, Part 1

Local, state, and federal government agencies across the U.S. share the common goal of serving the public. They also share another contemporary fact of life: They are running out of money. As a result, efficiency is becoming a major goal in government at all levels, and information technology appear...


3 Free Personal Finance Apps You Can Take to the Bank

The Linux platform has several really good financial applications that are more than capable of handling both personal and small-business accounting operations. GnuCash, HomeBank and Skrooge are among the best financial apps I've found for Linux. In terns of features and performance, all three are a...


3 Media Conversion Apps That Will Make You a True Believer

One of the lingering concerns potential Linux users have is the worry of leaving behind Windows software they have relied on for playing audio and video files. That used to be a valid concern. But it isn't something to worry about any more. Three relatively new Linux apps make it possible to convert...

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