
Firefox Contest Calls on Independent Filmmakers

Mozilla is doing something that no open-source Web browsing project has ever done before -- using independent filmmakers to spread the word about its next release. Call it open-source marketing. Mozilla is reportedly preparing to tap into the large community of amateur filmmakers to produce 30-secon...

Happy First Birthday, Firefox

Mozilla's popular open-source browser hit the open market a year ago today. Firefox is celebrating with a slew of data proclaiming its maturation in the world of Web browsing. When Firefox was introduced to the masses, Mozilla Foundation President Mitchell Baker called it a major milestone. He decla...

Firefox Takes the Good With the Bad

Open-source browser developer Mozilla was hit with some good news and some bad news this week. The good news is that the Firefox browser has gained 10 percent of the planet's browser market share, according to UK Web analytics firm Further good news is that the first release of Firefox ...

Mandriva, Canonical Release Linux Distribution Upgrades

Linux lovers can rejoice this week as two new distributions of the open-source platform make their way to the market. Mandriva released the latest version of its Linux product, Mandriva 2006, yesterday, and Canonical launched its latest Linux version, Ubuntu 5.0, today. Analysts said both companies ...

Firefox Fixes Flaws in 1.0.7

A day after Symantec's newest Internet Security Threat Report claimed that Firefox has twice the number of vulnerabilities as Internet Explorer, Mozilla released a security update of its popular open-source Web browser. Released today, Firefox 1.0.7., is billed as a security and stability update in ...

Internet Explorer Gains Ground on Firefox

The open-source Firefox browser may be the new kid in town, but Microsoft is out to show that the sheriff is back with a vengeance, according to some analysts. New figures from Web monitoring firm Net Applications reveal that Microsoft regained some ground from alternate browsers -- including Firefo...


Firefox Share Dips in July

The open-source Firefox browser saw growth slip in July, according to the latest report from measuring and monitoring service NetApplications, which watches growth in adoption among a variety of popular Internet browser alternatives. The NetApplications report for the month of July indicates that, f...

Firefox Browser Maker Opts for ‘For-Profit’ Status

The idealism behind the Mozilla Foundation -- established in 2003 as a non-profit corporation to promote open-source software -- is giving way this week to financial realism: The company plans to hold a news conference later this afternoon, at 5 p.m. Pacific time at the trade show OSCON 2005, to ann...

Scalix Goes Wireless With Messaging System

Linux-based messaging vendor Scalix Corporation announced late last week a wireless solution designed to extend its e-mail and calendaring software to mobile devices. Developed in partnership with enterprise mobility solutions vendor Notify Technology Corporation, Scalix's Wireless Solution provides...

Firefox Plans Browser Boost With Version 1.5

Open-source developer Mozilla confirmed yesterday that the next major release of the open-source Firefox browser has not only been delayed, it's also been renamed. What was to be Firefox 1.1 scheduled for release this month is now Firefox 1.5, scheduled for release in September. The beta version of ...

Mozilla Issues Firefox Fix

Mozilla on Tuesday released the latest version of its popular Firefox open-source Web browser and its e-mail client. The release marks the second time in eight days the company has issued fixes. Firefox 1.0.6 is a stability update that restores API compatibility for extensions and Web applications t...

Attackers Sought to Use SpreadFirefox for Spamming

Amid ongoing news reports about browser vulnerabilities, an alternative browser maker's promotional Web site fell victim to a hack attack last week. Mozilla's, a community marketing site, was the target of "unknown remote attackers," according to the site's manager. SpreadFirefox b...


Firefox Continues to Pick Up Steam

Firefox is close to reaching 10 percent share in the competitive Web browser marketplace, according to the latest data from Web site monitoring firm NetApplications. Firefox market share for browser usage grew to 8.71 percent during the month of June up from 8 percent in May, NetApplications' report...

Firefox Experiences Its Own ‘Patch Tuesday’

The Mozilla Foundation yesterday urged users to download the latest security update to Firefox, its popular open-source Web browser. Firefox 1.0.5 is a security update that addresses several bugs and makes improvements to the software's stability, according to Mozilla. In all, the new version addres...

Firefox Suffers Seven-Year Itch

While Mozilla is celebrating over Firefox's growth in Europe, the open-source browser maker is simultaneously up in arms over software vulnerabilities. A security research firm is reporting Mozilla's current browsers are once again susceptible to a seven-year-old flaw that could let malicious people...

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