
Firefox Gets Big Win with Big Blue

The Firefox juggernaut, which had been slowed recently by a spate of security concerns, has picked up steam again on the strength of a decision by IBM to endorse the alternative to Internet Explorer for its massive employee base. Firefox, now the second most popular browser and by far the biggest th...

Mozilla Issues Patches for Firefox Installation Bugs

The Mozilla Foundation has readied security patches to thwart what security firm Secunia reported earlier this week as two "extremely critical" flaws in its Firefox browser. Secunia said the vulnerabilities could be exploited by malicious people who wish to take control of victims' computers. Firefo...

Two New Products Tighten Firefox Security, Privacy

Anonymizer, a leading provider of Internet privacy and security products, plans tomorrow to release Anonymizer Total Privacy Suite, the first comprehensive identity protection product that works with Firefox, Mozilla's popular open-source Web browser. The new software, available for online purchase ...


License Proliferation: When More is Less

For open-source software developers, coding is the easy part. Trying to find the right open-source license is where things get painful. It's like standing in line at Starbucks trying to decide whether to buy latte or mocha. Soy milk or regular? Tall or grande? Don't even get me started on ice c...

Opera Adds Anti-Phishing Feature to Browser

Norwegian browser developer Opera Software today released Opera 8.0 for Windows and Linux, which adds anti-phishing measures and voice recognition. The site has been flooded with attempts to download the new version, causing the company to scramble to find the bandwidth to deal with the re...

Firefox Vulnerability Puts Sensitive Information at Risk

A vulnerability has been discovered in the Firefox Web browser that could be exploited by malicious people to gain knowledge of potentially sensitive information, according to an advisory from security research firm Secunia. The vulnerability comes less than six weeks after the Mozilla Foundation re...

Mozilla Putting Firefox, Thunderbird Front and Center

With a new and improved Microsoft Internet Explorer looming, the Mozilla Foundation said late last week that it is shifting its focus completely to its popular Web browser and e-mail applications. In a letter posted last week on its Web site, Mozilla announced its intent to pull the development plug...

Mozilla Swats at Firefox Bugs with Security Patch

The Mozilla Foundation yesterday released a security update to the Firefox Web browser. The patch includes several fixes to guard against spoofing and arbitrary code execution. Firefox 1.0.1 patches several bugs, including a vulnerability in the Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), Web addresses re...

Nokia Denies Migration to Firefox

Reports that Nokia has replaced 55,000 desktops running Microsoft's Internet Explorer Web browser in favor of Mozilla's Firefox at its Swedish operations are bogus, according to the company. Nokia spokesperson Chantal Boeckman told LinuxInsider that "the IDG reporter got the information wrong. We ha...

Yahoo Unveils Toolbar for Firefox Browser

Yahoo today announced the beta release of the Yahoo Toolbar for the Firefox Web browser, giving the Mozilla Foundation's platform what analysts said is an endorsement of the alternative browser that should help it take more market share from Microsoft's Internet Explorer. "The Yahoo Toolbar provides...


Penguins at the Gate

Open source is undeniably on the march. Linux continues to grow at a torrid pace -- now forecast by IDC to represent a US$35 billion market by 2008 -- though it has yet to significantly breach the desktop market. Mozilla's Firefox browser debuted with much fanfare recently, with over ten million d...


OpenSolaris: Beyond the Rhetoric

Large patent portfolio owners seem to be in a particularly generous mood these days. A few weeks after IBM announced it was giving away 500 patents, Sun jumped on the bandwagon by announcing that it is releasing more than 1,600 patents associated with the Solaris OS, a move they describe as eclipsin...

Linux Vulnerabilities Creep Toward the Desktop

As Linux increasingly hits the enterprise and consumer mainstream, a growing number of security threats are emerging which prey on holes in applications and files managed by desktop users. On Wednesday of this week, Linux vendors Red Hat, Novell and Mandrakesoft released patches for several vulnerab...

Opera Sings Linux Tune with Multiplatform Chorus

On the heels of a Windows product introduced two weeks ago, Opera Software on Friday released an unnamed beta version of its Linux browser with a range of new usability tools. The back-to-back releases illustrate the strategy of what some analysts said is perhaps the most diverse browser company in ...

Firefox Aims To Convert Masses with New York Times Ad

The non-profit Mozilla Foundation has placed a pricey ad in today's edition of the New York Times. The open-source advocacy organization is pleading its alternative case with a two-page spread that asks readers the direct question: "Are you fed up with your Web browser?" Spread Firefox, a voluntee...

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